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After Work Lecture Family Systems Care in Canada and Switzerland: How to Soften Illness Suffering through Practice-Based Evidence

Dr. Lorraine Wright berichtet über die Erfahrungen der Family Nursing Unit in Kanada und gibt Inputs für die Weiterentwicklung und Implementierung der Family Nursing Unit am Departement Gesundheit. Die Veranstaltung findet vor Ort statt und wird zusätzlich per Livestream übertragen. Die Vortragssprache ist englisch.

The After Work Lecture provides an opportunity to learn about the functioning of two Family Units in the context of a university with its challenges and benefits. Dr Lorraine Wright will offer her 25-year experience with the Family Nursing Unit at the University of Calgary, Canada. She will show how the three levels of clinical practice, research, and teaching were linked to practice-based evidence. Also tips for a successful unit will be given.

Barbara Preusse and Margrit Hilpertshauser will present the development and implementation of a Family Systems Care Unit at the ZHAW in Winterthur, which was launched two years ago. Join us to discuss past and current experiences of two Family Systems Care units with their ultimate goal of softening the suffering of families experiencing illness. 

Afterwards all participants are invited to an aperitif.


Lorraine Wright, RN, PhD practitioner, researcher and teacher for family systems nursing, founder ot the Calgry family nursing unit, co-developer of the Calgary Family Assessment and Intervention Models, of the Illness Beliefs Model, and developer of the Trinity Model; professor emeritus in Nursing at the University of Calgary

Barbara Preusse-BleulerRN, MNS, lecturer Institute of Nursing, founder and head of the Family Systems Care Unit, ZHAW

Margrit Hilpertshauser, RN, MNS, MAS, Nursing Expert in home care and in the Family Systems Care Unit, ZHAW


Von: 7. Juli 2022, 18.00 Uhr


ZHAW, Campus Stadt-Mitte, Gebäude MG Katharina-Sulzer-Platz 9 8400 Winterthur or online


ZHAW Institut für Pflege
Katharina-Sulzer-Platz 9
8400 Winterthur