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Curriculum Computer Science

The curriculum of your degree consists of different module types, which provide you with specialist knowledge, mathematical-scientific basics, practical experience as well as contextual knowledge from areas such as communication and business.

In the third year of study, depending on your interest, you can choose between three main areas and take the corresponding specialization and elective modules. Click on each module to learn more about choices, language of instruction and ECTS credits.

Module overview full-time

This module table is valid since 16. September 2019


Context Modules

Project Modules

Subject-Specific Modules

Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Modules

Semester 1, ECTS: 30, Semester week lessons: 30

Communication Competence 1

Communication Competence 1

The Communication Competence 1 module focuses on the following aspects of communication training: Researching and processing information in a scientific context // Developing presentation skills // Organising communication and feedback in teams // Teaching language: DE/EN

Software Project 1

Software Project 1

This module builds on the expert knowledge gained in other courses, which students use to gain initial experience of managing software projects in a team. This includes spec sheets and software development, authoring technical texts, teamwork, project planning and code management. // Teaching language: DE

Programming 1

Programming 1

Creating excellent, readable and maintainable code is a central requirement for all software projects. In this module, students learn the basics of object-oriented programming and can develop and test high quality and maintainable code after just a few classes. // Teaching language: DE



Basics of relational databases: relational algebra, entity-relationship design, SQL DDL/DML, efficient and correct queries in SQL, indexes, triggers, transactions/ACID // Teaching language: DE

Information Theory and Coding

Information Theory and Coding

This course teaches the basics of digital information processing and coding. Basic digital units, gates and logic are part of it as well as source coding (information, entropy, redundancy) and channel coding methods with error detection and correction. // Teaching language: DE

Analysis 1

Analysis 1

In this course, students learn the basic concepts of calculus of one real variable. // Teaching language: DE

Discrete Mathematics

Discrete Mathematics

Introduction to discrete mathematics and foundations of mathematics for computer science. // Teaching language: DE

Electronics and Digital Technology: Basic Principles

Electronics and Digital Technology: Basic Principles

The course familiarises students with the physical fundamentals of electrical engineering and computer technology. Besides theoretical knowledge, students will acquire practical skills, such as implementing and analysing electronic circuits. // Teaching language: DE

Semester 2, ECTS: 30, Semester week lessons: 30

Communication Competence 2

Communication Competence 2

The Communication Competence 2 module focuses on the following aspects of communication training: Collaborative writing and peer feedback in a scientific/professional context // Developing research skills // Audience-oriented communication // Teaching language: DE/EN

Software Project 2

Software Project 2

This module includes software analysis and refactoring, project planning and progress tracking, use of development tools in teams, brainstorming and evaluation, reflection on project progress and project results, and the publication of project results. // Teaching language: DE

Programming 2

Programming 2

Students learn the extended concepts of object-oriented programming using Java programming language and the associated Java Standard Edition environment. The objective is to create high-quality, comprehensible and easy-to-maintain program code using advanced methods, techniques and tools. // Teaching language: DE

System-oriented programming

System-oriented programming

C and Unix-like operating systems, such as Linux, are closely related and widely used in industry. In this module, students learn the fundamentals of Unix-like OSs, how to program under Linux and how to interface with it via POSIX calls. Shell scripts are also handled. // Teaching language: DE

Communication Technology

Communication Technology

In virtually all modern applications, data communication is an integral part. The aim of this course is to convey concepts, terms, protocols and mechanisms of data communication for the professional environment, so that students can correctly design and use data communication and solve fundamental problems. // Teaching language: DE

Theory of Computation

Theory of Computation

Students learn the basic terms and concepts used in theoretical computer science. They will also understand how to build models for assessing the performance of current and future computer systems: formal languages, automata theory and computational complexity // Teaching language: DE

Analysis 2

Analysis 2

Basic concepts and methods of differential and integral calculus of one real variable, as well as their application. // Teaching language: DE

Linear Algebra

Linear Algebra

The module teaches the basics of linear algebra. Among other things, you will learn how to work with linear systems of equations, vectors and matrices. // Teaching language: DE

Semester 3, ECTS: 30, Semester week lessons: 30

Communication Competence 3

Communication Competence 3

The Communication Competence 3 module focuses on the following aspects of communication training: Communication in international and interdisciplinary settings // Mediation and transfer between English and German // Negotiation and discussion // Teaching language: DE/EN

Software Project 3

Software Project 3

Students develop a fairly large object-oriented software application. In groups, they implement a self-selected project idea from the vision through to an executable application. A predefined iterative-incremental software development process is applied (the basis of agile software development). // Teaching language: DE/EN

Software Engineering 1

Software Engineering 1

This module provides you with the necessary analysis and design skills to develop and realize larger and more complex software applications. // User and domain research, use cases and domain modeling are applied to analyze a problem. The elicited requirements for a software system are systematically specified and tested. // Derived from the requirements, techniques for the design of a suitable software architecture and the implementation in an object-oriented design are taught. Proven architecture and design patterns are applied and emphasis is placed on high software quality (extensibility, maintainability). // Standardized notations (such as UML) are used for modeling and communicating the results from analysis, software architecture and design. // Teaching language: DE

Web Development

Web Development

Introduction to current web technologies // Teaching language: DE

Computer Engineering 1

Computer Engineering 1

The module deals with the interaction of hardware and software for realising a computer system. It conveys the structure and functionality of a processor from the programmer's point of view and shows how programs are converted into executable machine code. // Teaching language: DE

Algorithms and Data Structures

Algorithms and Data Structures

Students learn how to approach algorithmically complex problems and are familiarized with the central data structures of computer science and their implementation in Java. They are able to estimate computing effort. // They learn to apply basic design patterns. // Teaching language: DE

Stochastics and Statistics

Stochastics and Statistics

The module introduces the terms and concepts of probability theory and statistics that are indispensable for a deeper understanding of many areas. // Teaching language: DE

Higher Mathematics for Computer Scientists 1

Higher Mathematics for Computer Scientists 1

Students learn the basics of numerical mathematics for computer scientists and their application with Python, fundamental concepts of computer arithmetic and error estimation, numerical instabilities, algorithms for solving linear equation systems and the computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. // Teaching language: DE

Semester 4, ECTS: 30, Semester week lessons: 30

Business Administration

Business Administration

The engineers gain an insight into the most important business management principles and interrelationships. They are supposed to understand how companies operate, to be able to classify strategies and processes and to understand the basics of financial and operational accounting. // Teaching language: DE

Software Project 4

Software Project 4

Students are able to develop a complex software system using an agile development process – from the initial idea through to the customised solution. // Teaching language: DE

Software Engineering 2

Software Engineering 2

gile methodologies like SCRUM and XP etc. have become mainstream in software development. In this lecture we study the agile principles, practices and values of SCRUM and XP. // Teaching language: DE

Operating Systems

Operating Systems

Teaching language: DE

Computer Engineering 2

Computer Engineering 2

The module covers memory hierarchies and their implications for software. Students also learn the features and application of basic peripheral devices of microcontrollers. Specific emphasis is placed on software techniques for structuring embedded programs and controlling program flow. // Teaching language: DE

IT Security

IT Security

Contains the basics for the development and operation of secure systems: cryptography (secret and public-key, hash functions, signatures/MAC), secure protocols (EAP, TLS), authentication and authorisation. // Teaching language: DE

Machine Learning und Data Mining

Machine Learning und Data Mining

Machine learning and data mining are essential components of successful data products and projects. Students are familiarized with the prerequisites for their use and with various methods for different applications. They study the theoretical fundamentals and the implementation of the methods. // Teaching language: DE

Higher Mathematics for Computer Scientists 2

Higher Mathematics for Computer Scientists 2

Using Python, students learn the advanced basics of numerical mathematics for computer scientists. Topics include the numerical solution of nonlinear equation systems, numerical integration, interpolation and curve fitting, and the solution of ordinary differential equations. // Teaching language: DE

Physics Engines

Physics Engines

The course teaches students the fundamental physical concepts of classical mechanics, enabling them to use physics engines. // Teaching language: DE

Semester 5, ECTS: 30, Semester week lessons: 24

Elective Module Context

Elective Module Context

  • ECTS: 2

The context modules offer you the opportunity to acquire supplementary skills outside of your technical major. They cover the following topics: Sustainability and Environment // Innovation and Technology Management // Data Science and AI // Business and Finance // Social Sciences and Intercultural Competence // Law and Governance // Project and Conflict Management // Resilience and Risk Management // Mobility and Transportation

Elective Module Context

Elective Module Context

  • ECTS: 2

The context modules offer you the opportunity to acquire supplementary skills outside of your technical major. They cover the following topics: Sustainability and Environment // Innovation and Technology Management // Data Science and AI // Business and Finance // Social Sciences and Intercultural Competence // Law and Governance // Project and Conflict Management // Resilience and Risk Management // Mobility and Transportation

Project Thesis: Computer Science

Project Thesis: Computer Science

  • ECTS: 6

In the project you work on topics in close cooperation with industrial and service companies.

Elective Module

Elective Module

  • ECTS: 4

Starting from the 5th semester, you can choose from a comprehensive range of elective modules. This allows you to focus on specific areas that match your interests, including: Cyber Security // Software Engineering // Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning // Information Engineering and Data Science // Human-Centered Computing // Cloud Computing and Applications // Embedded Computing // Internet of Things // Communication Systems

Elective Module

Elective Module

  • ECTS: 4

Starting from the 5th semester, you can choose from a comprehensive range of elective modules. This allows you to focus on specific areas that match your interests, including: Cyber Security // Software Engineering // Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning // Information Engineering and Data Science // Human-Centered Computing // Cloud Computing and Applications // Embedded Computing // Internet of Things // Communication Systems

Elective Module

Elective Module

  • ECTS: 4

Starting from the 5th semester, you can choose from a comprehensive range of elective modules. This allows you to focus on specific areas that match your interests, including: Cyber Security // Software Engineering // Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning // Information Engineering and Data Science // Human-Centered Computing // Cloud Computing and Applications // Embedded Computing // Internet of Things // Communication Systems

Elective Module

Elective Module

  • ECTS: 4

Starting from the 5th semester, you can choose from a comprehensive range of elective modules. This allows you to focus on specific areas that match your interests, including: Cyber Security // Software Engineering // Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning // Information Engineering and Data Science // Human-Centered Computing // Cloud Computing and Applications // Embedded Computing // Internet of Things // Communication Systems

Interdisciplinary elective module

Interdisciplinary elective module

  • ECTS: 4

The interdisciplinary elective modules cover a wide range of disciplines, including the following areas: Application of Advanced Mathematics in Engineering Practice // Introduction to Machine Learning // Modern Physics // Blockchain Technologies and Their Applications // Digital Assistance Technologies // Digital Health // Sensor Technology // Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing of Sensors // Sustainability Management // Safety-Critical Systems // System Dynamics Modeling // Future Technologies of the Internet of Things // Safety and Systems Engineering

Semester 6, ECTS: 30, Semester week lessons: 18

Elective Module

Elective Module

  • ECTS: 2

The context modules offer you the opportunity to acquire supplementary skills outside of your technical major. They cover the following topics: Sustainability and Environment // Innovation and Technology Management // Data Science and AI // Business and Finance // Social Sciences and Intercultural Competence // Law and Governance // Project and Conflict Management // Resilience and Risk Management // Mobility and Transportation

Bachelor Thesis: Computer Science

Bachelor Thesis: Computer Science

  • ECTS: 12

In the bachelor thesis you work on topics in close cooperation with industrial and service companies.

Elective Module

Elective Module

  • ECTS: 4

Starting from the 5th semester, you can choose from a comprehensive range of elective modules. This allows you to focus on specific areas that match your interests, including: Cyber Security // Software Engineering // Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning // Information Engineering and Data Science // Human-Centered Computing // Cloud Computing and Applications // Embedded Computing // Internet of Things // Communication Systems

Elective Module

Elective Module

  • ECTS: 4

Starting from the 5th semester, you can choose from a comprehensive range of elective modules. This allows you to focus on specific areas that match your interests, including: Cyber Security // Software Engineering // Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning // Information Engineering and Data Science // Human-Centered Computing // Cloud Computing and Applications // Embedded Computing // Internet of Things // Communication Systems

Elective Module

Elective Module

  • ECTS: 4

Starting from the 5th semester, you can choose from a comprehensive range of elective modules. This allows you to focus on specific areas that match your interests, including: Cyber Security // Software Engineering // Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning // Information Engineering and Data Science // Human-Centered Computing // Cloud Computing and Applications // Embedded Computing // Internet of Things // Communication Systems

Elective Module

Elective Module

  • ECTS: 4

Starting from the 5th semester, you can choose from a comprehensive range of elective modules. This allows you to focus on specific areas that match your interests, including: Cyber Security // Software Engineering // Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning // Information Engineering and Data Science // Human-Centered Computing // Cloud Computing and Applications // Embedded Computing // Internet of Things // Communication Systems

The list of elective modules reflects the current state of the offer. It can change until the third year of study.

Module overview part-time

This module table is valid since 16. September 2019


Context Modules

Project Modules

Subject-Specific Modules

Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Modules

Semester 1, ECTS: 22, Semester week lessons: 22

Communication Competence 1

Communication Competence 1

The Communication Competence 1 module focuses on the following aspects of communication training: Researching and processing information in a scientific context // Developing presentation skills // Organising communication and feedback in teams // Teaching language: DE/EN

Software Project 1

Software Project 1

This module builds on the expert knowledge gained in other courses, which students use to gain initial experience of managing software projects in a team. This includes spec sheets and software development, authoring technical texts, teamwork, project planning and code management. // Teaching language: DE

Programming 1

Programming 1

Creating excellent, readable and maintainable code is a central requirement for all software projects. In this module, students learn the basics of object-oriented programming and can develop and test high quality and maintainable code after just a few classes. // Teaching language: DE

Information Theory and Coding

Information Theory and Coding

This course teaches the basics of digital information processing and coding. Basic digital units, gates and logic are part of it as well as source coding (information, entropy, redundancy) and channel coding methods with error detection and correction. // Teaching language: DE

Analysis 1

Analysis 1

In this course, students learn the basic concepts of calculus of one real variable. // Teaching language: DE

Discrete Mathematics

Discrete Mathematics

Introduction to discrete mathematics and foundations of mathematics for computer science. // Teaching language: DE

Semester 2, ECTS: 22, Semester week lessons: 22

Communication Competence 2

Communication Competence 2

The Communication Competence 2 module focuses on the following aspects of communication training: Collaborative writing and peer feedback in a scientific/professional context // Developing research skills // Audience-oriented communication // Teaching language: DE/EN

Software Project 2

Software Project 2

This module includes software analysis and refactoring, project planning and progress tracking, use of development tools in teams, brainstorming and evaluation, reflection on project progress and project results, and the publication of project results. // Teaching language: DE

Programming 2

Programming 2

Students learn the extended concepts of object-oriented programming using Java programming language and the associated Java Standard Edition environment. The objective is to create high-quality, comprehensible and easy-to-maintain program code using advanced methods, techniques and tools. // Teaching language: DE

Theory of Computation

Theory of Computation

Students learn the basic terms and concepts used in theoretical computer science. They will also understand how to build models for assessing the performance of current and future computer systems: formal languages, automata theory and computational complexity // Teaching language: DE

Analysis 2

Analysis 2

Basic concepts and methods of differential and integral calculus of one real variable, as well as their application. // Teaching language: DE

Linear Algebra

Linear Algebra

The module teaches the basics of linear algebra. Among other things, you will learn how to work with linear systems of equations, vectors and matrices. // Teaching language: DE

Semester 3, ECTS: 22, Semester week lessons: 22

Communication Competence 3

Communication Competence 3

The Communication Competence 3 module focuses on the following aspects of communication training: Communication in international and interdisciplinary settings // Mediation and transfer between English and German // Negotiation and discussion // Teaching language: DE/EN



Basics of relational databases: relational algebra, entity-relationship design, SQL DDL/DML, efficient and correct queries in SQL, indexes, triggers, transactions/ACID // Teaching language: DE

Algorithms and Data Structures

Algorithms and Data Structures

Students learn how to approach algorithmically complex problems and are familiarized with the central data structures of computer science and their implementation in Java. They are able to estimate computing effort. // They learn to apply basic design patterns. // Teaching language: DE

Stochastics and Statistics

Stochastics and Statistics

The module introduces the terms and concepts of probability theory and statistics that are indispensable for a deeper understanding of many areas. // Teaching language: DE

Higher Mathematics for Computer Scientists 1

Higher Mathematics for Computer Scientists 1

Students learn the basics of numerical mathematics for computer scientists and their application with Python, fundamental concepts of computer arithmetic and error estimation, numerical instabilities, algorithms for solving linear equation systems and the computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. // Teaching language: DE

Electronics and Digital Technology: Basic Principles

Electronics and Digital Technology: Basic Principles

The course familiarises students with the physical fundamentals of electrical engineering and computer technology. Besides theoretical knowledge, students will acquire practical skills, such as implementing and analysing electronic circuits. // Teaching language: DE

Semester 4, ECTS: 22, Semester week lessons: 22

Business Administration

Business Administration

The engineers gain an insight into the most important business management principles and interrelationships. They are supposed to understand how companies operate, to be able to classify strategies and processes and to understand the basics of financial and operational accounting. // Teaching language: DE

Software Project 3

Software Project 3

Students develop a fairly large object-oriented software application. In groups, they implement a self-selected project idea from the vision through to an executable application. A predefined iterative-incremental software development process is applied (the basis of agile software development). // Teaching language: DE/EN

Software Engineering 1

Software Engineering 1

This module provides you with the necessary analysis and design skills to develop and realize larger and more complex software applications. // User and domain research, use cases and domain modeling are applied to analyze a problem. The elicited requirements for a software system are systematically specified and tested. // Derived from the requirements, techniques for the design of a suitable software architecture and the implementation in an object-oriented design are taught. Proven architecture and design patterns are applied and emphasis is placed on high software quality (extensibility, maintainability). // Standardized notations (such as UML) are used for modeling and communicating the results from analysis, software architecture and design. // Teaching language: DE

Communication Technology

Communication Technology

In virtually all modern applications, data communication is an integral part. The aim of this course is to convey concepts, terms, protocols and mechanisms of data communication for the professional environment, so that students can correctly design and use data communication and solve fundamental problems. // Teaching language: DE

System-oriented programming

System-oriented programming

C and Unix-like operating systems, such as Linux, are closely related and widely used in industry. In this module, students learn the fundamentals of Unix-like OSs, how to program under Linux and how to interface with it via POSIX calls. Shell scripts are also handled. // Teaching language: DE

Higher Mathematics for Computer Scientists 2

Higher Mathematics for Computer Scientists 2

Using Python, students learn the advanced basics of numerical mathematics for computer scientists. Topics include the numerical solution of nonlinear equation systems, numerical integration, interpolation and curve fitting, and the solution of ordinary differential equations. // Teaching language: DE

Semester 5, ECTS: 22, Semester week lessons: 22

Elective Module Context

Elective Module Context

  • ECTS: 2

The context modules offer you the opportunity to acquire supplementary skills outside of your technical major. They cover the following topics: Sustainability and Environment // Innovation and Technology Management // Data Science and AI // Business and Finance // Social Sciences and Intercultural Competence // Law and Governance // Project and Conflict Management // Resilience and Risk Management // Mobility and Transportation

Web Development

Web Development

Introduction to current web technologies // Teaching language: DE

Computer Engineering 1

Computer Engineering 1

The module deals with the interaction of hardware and software for realising a computer system. It conveys the structure and functionality of a processor from the programmer's point of view and shows how programs are converted into executable machine code. // Teaching language: DE

IT Security

IT Security

Contains the basics for the development and operation of secure systems: cryptography (secret and public-key, hash functions, signatures/MAC), secure protocols (EAP, TLS), authentication and authorisation. // Teaching language: DE

Machine Learning und Data Mining

Machine Learning und Data Mining

Machine learning and data mining are essential components of successful data products and projects. Students are familiarized with the prerequisites for their use and with various methods for different applications. They study the theoretical fundamentals and the implementation of the methods. // Teaching language: DE

Elective Module

Elective Module

  • ECTS: 4

Starting from the 5th semester, you can choose from a comprehensive range of elective modules. This allows you to focus on specific areas that match your interests, including: Cyber Security // Software Engineering // Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning // Information Engineering and Data Science // Human-Centered Computing // Cloud Computing and Applications // Embedded Computing // Internet of Things // Communication Systems

Semester 6, ECTS: 22, Semester week lessons: 22

Elective Module Context

Elective Module Context

  • ECTS: 2

The context modules offer you the opportunity to acquire supplementary skills outside of your technical major. They cover the following topics: Sustainability and Environment // Innovation and Technology Management // Data Science and AI // Business and Finance // Social Sciences and Intercultural Competence // Law and Governance // Project and Conflict Management // Resilience and Risk Management // Mobility and Transportation

Software Project 4

Software Project 4

Students are able to develop a complex software system using an agile development process – from the initial idea through to the customised solution. // Teaching language: DE

Software Engineering 2

Software Engineering 2

gile methodologies like SCRUM and XP etc. have become mainstream in software development. In this lecture we study the agile principles, practices and values of SCRUM and XP. // Teaching language: DE

Computer Engineering 2

Computer Engineering 2

The module covers memory hierarchies and their implications for software. Students also learn the features and application of basic peripheral devices of microcontrollers. Specific emphasis is placed on software techniques for structuring embedded programs and controlling program flow. // Teaching language: DE

Operating Systems

Operating Systems

Teaching language: DE

Physics Engines

Physics Engines

The course teaches students the fundamental physical concepts of classical mechanics, enabling them to use physics engines. // Teaching language: DE

Elective Module

Elective Module

  • ECTS: 4

Starting from the 5th semester, you can choose from a comprehensive range of elective modules. This allows you to focus on specific areas that match your interests, including: Cyber Security // Software Engineering // Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning // Information Engineering and Data Science // Human-Centered Computing // Cloud Computing and Applications // Embedded Computing // Internet of Things // Communication Systems

Semester 7, ECTS: 24, Semester week lessons: 18

Elective Module

Elective Module

  • ECTS: 2

The context modules offer you the opportunity to acquire supplementary skills outside of your technical major. They cover the following topics: Sustainability and Environment // Innovation and Technology Management // Data Science and AI // Business and Finance // Social Sciences and Intercultural Competence // Law and Governance // Project and Conflict Management // Resilience and Risk Management // Mobility and Transportation

Project Thesis: Computer Science

Project Thesis: Computer Science

  • ECTS: 6

In the project you work on topics in close cooperation with industrial and service companies.

Elective Module

Elective Module

  • ECTS: 4

Starting from the 5th semester, you can choose from a comprehensive range of elective modules. This allows you to focus on specific areas that match your interests, including: Cyber Security // Software Engineering // Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning // Information Engineering and Data Science // Human-Centered Computing // Cloud Computing and Applications // Embedded Computing // Internet of Things // Communication Systems

Elective Module

Elective Module

  • ECTS: 4

Starting from the 5th semester, you can choose from a comprehensive range of elective modules. This allows you to focus on specific areas that match your interests, including: Cyber Security // Software Engineering // Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning // Information Engineering and Data Science // Human-Centered Computing // Cloud Computing and Applications // Embedded Computing // Internet of Things // Communication Systems

Elective Module

Elective Module

  • ECTS: 4

Starting from the 5th semester, you can choose from a comprehensive range of elective modules. This allows you to focus on specific areas that match your interests, including: Cyber Security // Software Engineering // Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning // Information Engineering and Data Science // Human-Centered Computing // Cloud Computing and Applications // Embedded Computing // Internet of Things // Communication Systems

Interdisciplinary elective module

Interdisciplinary elective module

  • ECTS: 4

The interdisciplinary elective modules cover a wide range of disciplines, including the following areas: Application of Advanced Mathematics in Engineering Practice // Introduction to Machine Learning // Modern Physics // Blockchain Technologies and Their Applications // Digital Assistance Technologies // Digital Health // Sensor Technology // Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing of Sensors // Sustainability Management // Safety-Critical Systems // System Dynamics Modeling // Future Technologies of the Internet of Things // Safety and Systems Engineering

Semester 8, ECTS: 24, Semester week lessons: 12

Bachelor Thesis: Computer Science

Bachelor Thesis: Computer Science

  • ECTS: 12

In the bachelor thesis you work on topics in close cooperation with industrial and service companies.

Elective Module

Elective Module

  • ECTS: 4

Starting from the 5th semester, you can choose from a comprehensive range of elective modules. This allows you to focus on specific areas that match your interests, including: Cyber Security // Software Engineering // Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning // Information Engineering and Data Science // Human-Centered Computing // Cloud Computing and Applications // Embedded Computing // Internet of Things // Communication Systems

Elective Module

Elective Module

  • ECTS: 4

Starting from the 5th semester, you can choose from a comprehensive range of elective modules. This allows you to focus on specific areas that match your interests, including: Cyber Security // Software Engineering // Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning // Information Engineering and Data Science // Human-Centered Computing // Cloud Computing and Applications // Embedded Computing // Internet of Things // Communication Systems

Elective Module

Elective Module

  • ECTS: 4

Starting from the 5th semester, you can choose from a comprehensive range of elective modules. This allows you to focus on specific areas that match your interests, including: Cyber Security // Software Engineering // Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning // Information Engineering and Data Science // Human-Centered Computing // Cloud Computing and Applications // Embedded Computing // Internet of Things // Communication Systems

The list of elective modules reflects the current state of the offer. It can change until the third year of study.