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About us

The ZHAW University Library offers you support and consulting in response to all questions related to information competence, Open Access and publishing. The Library is an attractive place to work and promotes the exchange of ideas and experience on campus.


The ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences was formed in 2007 with the merger of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences Winterthur (ZHW), the University Wädenswil (HSW), the University of Applied Psychology (HAP) and the University of Social Work. The eight existing libraries from these four institutions were combined to create the ZHAW University Library.

In the summer of 2014, the Applied Psychology and Social Work libraries moved into their new premises in the Toni-Areal, which they share with the Media and Information Centre (MIZ) of the Zurich University of the Arts.

The Life Sciences & Facility Management site Library is located in a former cidery museum. Until 2018, the basement housed exhibits, some of them huge. Today, student work and study stations await you there.

Since 2015, the five sub-libraries (Architecture and Engineering, Health, Linguistics, Technology, Business and Law) have occupied a new building in the Sulzer-Areal. These were joined in April 2021 by the former Pro Senectute Library, whose holdings have borne the name Applied Gerontology. As the ZHAW University Library Winterthur, they provide joint library-related services. Find out more about the history in our brochure "Von der Industriehalle zur Hochschulbibliothek".

University Library strategy

At their meeting on 26 October 2017, the ZHAW Executive Board agreed to support the University Library strategy. This strategy focuses on four development areas.

Apprenticeships - Internships - Open vacancies

Apprenticeships at the University Library

Every three years the University Library in Winterthur offers an apprenticeship in Information and Documentation leading to the Swiss Federal Certificate of Proficiency (EFZ). We are no longer accepting applications for the 2022 to 2025 program.

Internships and vacant positions

Would you like to do an internship first instead of an apprenticeship, or apply directly for a position at the University Library? Vacancies are published under the department "Finanzen & Services". Filter as needed by "Lehrstelle und Praktika" or by "Administration, Technik, Informatik, Betrieb" to access the library's vacancies.

Team and contacts

University Library Management team

Name Management Deputy  
Gabriela Lüthi ZHAW Library Sylvia Wanke / Elena Šimukovič  
Sylvia Wanke Library Services Winterthur Simon Nüssli  
Simon Nüssli Library Services Zürich / Wädenswil Sylvia Wanke  
Esther Bättig Neusch Education Services Margrit Meyer Kälin  
Elena Šimukovič Research & Infrastructure vacant  

Library Services

Location Phone E-Mail  
HSB Winterthur +41 (0) 58 934 75 00 Opening hours
HSB Zürich +41 (0) 58 934 86 86 Opening hours
HSB Wädenswil +41 (0) 58 934 59 99 Opening hours

Further Library branches

Branch E-Mail Further websites  
Applied Gerontology Applied Gerontology  
E-media service Using electronic media  
Media acquisition Winterthur Acquisition proposal  
OER competence centre Open Educational Resources (OER)  
Open Access Publishing results  
Publication services ZHAW digitalcollection  
Reference management Reference management
Citing correctly
Reference service Search tips
Reference services
Study environment Winterthur Study environment
University Library Winterthur
Training courses Courses (with ZHAW login)  
Writing coaching Writing coaching  


Special awards

Open Library Badge (German)


What do you like or dislike about the ZHAW University Library and our services? We are very interested to receive your suggestions and criticisms, and, of course, very happy to receive any compliments.
You can also post your short feedback concerning the University Library in Winterthur on our idea and feedback wall.

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