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Mobility Lake

Sustainable mobility for tourism and leisure time travel in the lake Constance region

The «Mobility Lake» project aims to develop a cross-border, sustainable mobility concept for tourism and leisure activities in the Lake Constance region.

The Lake Constance region is a tourism and leisure time destination with special characteristics. The surrounding four countries provide versatile nature and cultural aspects, but also create a demand for cross-border cooperation when it comes to mobility services. Mobility is necessary for recreation and tourism in the region, but it can also have a negative impact on the recreational value. Due to goals for CO2 emissions reduction, scarcity of resources and energy transition sustainable mobility is becoming a central topic in the political and social discussions. Especially nature-orientated tourism destinations such as the Lake Constance region are facing new challenges.

The challenging situation also leads to new opportunities, since a well-functioning mobility system is currently and in the future necessary. A concept of «Sustainable Mobility in the Lake Constance Region» does not only bring additional value for the locals and tourists, but also gives a chance for the Lake Constance region to establish itself as a model region for new mobility solutions.  


The project starts with a preliminary study aiming to create a first draft of the mobility concept. The concept can be further developed in follow up projects and later on implemented in practice.

The preliminary study is a baseline study in order to gain understanding on the tourism, traffic infrastructure and mobility patterns in the Lake Constance region. An analysis including relevant aspects such as competitiveness, strengths, weaknesses, requirements and solutions for a sustainable mobility concept in the Lake Constance is carried out. The sustainable mobility concept needs to be created in cooperation with stakeholders from the region. Tourism and transport companies, authorities and associations will be invited to workshops in order to discuss and develop relevant contents for the mobility concept:

The project is financed by the International Bodensee-Hochschule. The IBH is an association connecting universities and universities of applied sciences from Germany, Lichtenstein, Austria and Switzerland. Through cross-border cooperations new study programmes are developed, research and development in collaboration with regional corporations is supported and the range of higher education and advanced training courses expanded.


At a glance

Project website:

Project group:

In addition representatives from the fields of tourism and traffic from Austria, Germany, Lichtenstein and Switzerland will be involved in the project.

Project management

  • Dr. Merja Hoppe

Project staff

  • Andreas Christ, Tiina Seppänen

Financing: Internationale Bodensee-Hochschule (IBH)

Final report: Final report Mobility Lake(PDF 1,4 MB) (PDF)

Project status: closed