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2024 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering (SSBE)

Zurich University of Applied Sciences, School of Engineering, Winterthur, Switzerland - September 5th, 2024

Abstract Submission extended to July 15th 2024

The 2024 Annual Meeting of the SSBE is a one-day event for exchange between experts from academia, industry, and clinics. The Society promotes contacts between members and people interested in the field of biomedical engineering such as engineers, physicists, natural scientists and medical doctors. The scientific sessions will focus on current topics in medical technologies and will be accompanied by keynote presentations. An interactive poster session is an integrative part in the event.


Thursday, September 5th, 2024


The conference will take place at the School of Engineering at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW in Winterthur, Switzerland.


ZHAW, School of Engineering
Building TN

Technikumstrasse 71
8401 Winterthur

Host Institution is the Biomechanics Group of the IMES Institute of Mechanical Systems.

Biomechanical Engineering | ZHAW Institute of Mechanical Systems IMES

The venue is located 300m from the train station (5 min walking distance).

SSBE Research & Student Awards

The Annual Meeting will feature a special session where short-listed candidates for the SSBE Student Award and SSBE Research Award will present their work.

Details and submission deadline are found on the SSBE homepage: Link to SSBE

Research & Student Awards



09:15  Welcome coffee, registration, placing posters 

09:30  Welcome address by SSBE president P. Büchler 

09:35  Keynote lecture: PD Dr. Prabitha Urwyler, innosuisse
Title: “Exploring Unconventional Career Paths & Unlocking Innovation with Innosuisse”  

10:15  Coffee break & Poster session

11:00  Oral presentations of SSBE Members

11:45  Lunch 

13:00  General assembly 

13:45  Oral presentations of SSBE members 

14:30  Presentation of the SSBE 2023 Awardees  

15:30  Refreshments at posters

16:15  Keynote Lecture: Prof. Dr. Jörg Mayer, Surgical Fusion Technologies
Title: "SupraFusion - insights into a novel, minimally invasive technology for soft tissue to bone fixation"

16:45  25 Years Biomechanical Engineering 

17:15  Closing remarks, Award Session & Coming together 

Abstract Submission

The abstract may be submitted through the dropbox link:

Abstract deadline: June 15th 2024

Deadline extended

to July 15th 2024


Abstract Book

The abstracts will be available online 2 weeks before the conference on the Webpage via download


Registration Fee: CHF 80.00 per person, including catering

Payment: The registration fee can be paid with credit card and Twint. Accepted cards are: Mastercard, Visa, Postcard and Twint


If you would like to sponsor this event, please contact us.

We thank the following sponsors for their contribution:

Organization Team / Contact


Flyer as pdf (PDF 2,0 MB)