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E-Destination Lake Constance

E-mobility plays an important role for future mobility systems and their sustainability. The main advantages of this technology are its low contribution to climate change, at least as long as the energy consumed is generated from renewable sources. In the tourism sector especially the journey to and from the destination but also trips at the destination are responsible for most of the CO2 emissions. Therefore these aspects also provide the highest potential for CO2 reductions.

The special challenge for the Lake Constance ("Bodensee") region is to facilitate e-mobility in a primarily rural area. There is still potential for growth of e-mobility. The reasons for this are on the one hand technical challenges but on the other hand also a discrepancy between sustainable attitudes and actual behaviour of many tourists (attitude-behaviour-gap). Therefore the goal of the project is the analysis of success factors and barriers for touristic e-mobility in the region. It focuses on the reduction of these barriers both for touristic mobility suppliers and the tourists themselves, especially by enhancing the connection of relevant stakeholders. New business cases and attractive touristic offers are to be developed together with the tourism stakeholders based on a low-threshold infrastructure.


The basis of the project is a survey on existing infrastructure and offers regarding e-mobility which is conducted via online-search and expert interviews with various stakeholders. . The results are visualized cartographically and analysed with GIS methods. They are the basis for the identification of both, the need for and potential of integrated touristic e-mobility solutions.

Simultaneously further success factors and barriers for touristic e-mobility are analysed and a network analysis of the relevant stakeholders is conducted. Both are the basis for the development of a strategy and action plan for the region of Lake Constance including action fields, strategic options and specific measures for establishing and stimulating e-mobility in the region. Thereupon innovative sustainable business models for e-mobility in the Lake Constance region are developed.

Internationale Bodensee-Hochschule

The project is financed by the International Bodensee-Hochschule. The IBH is an association connecting universities and universities of applied sciences from Germany, Lichtenstein, Austria and Switzerland. Through cross-border cooperation new study programmes are developed, research and development in collaboration with regional corporations is supported and the range of higher education and advanced training courses expanded.

At a glance

Project group:

Project partner:

In addition representatives from the fields of tourism and traffic are involved in the project.

Project management ZHAW:

  • Helene Schmelzer

Other researchers:

  • Dr. Merja Hoppe, Tobias Michl

Project financing: Internationale Bodensee-Hochschule (IBH)

Project status: finished