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Mechanical Engineering

The mechanical engineering industry is the largest industrial employer in Switzerland. With a Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering, you are highly sought after in one of the most important internationally-oriented branches of production.

Professional career outline

The mechanical engineering industry develops, produces and optimises machinery, materials, equipment and products for industry and research. With the MSE in Mechanical Engineering you are in demand for senior positions and research tasks in manufacturing and engineering companies as well as in the public sector. Your position is essential to ensure the company's success, taking ecological and social issues into account.

Profile contents

The MSE profile Mechanical Engineering covers the following content:

Institutes and centres

Applying for the MSE you chose an institute to study Mechanical Engineering. The institutes interpret the profiles individually.

Institute of Energy Systems and Fluid Engineering (IEFE)

Institute of Mechanical Systems (IMES)

Institute of Materials and Process Engineering (IMPE)

Institute of Product Development and Production Technologies (IPP)

Professional skills

In the MSE Mechanical Engineering you develop a comprehensive understanding in the conception, development and production of components and systems as well as of the necessary materials and means of production. The focus is on mechanical and mechatronic systems including control and automation. In addition, you acquire in-depth mathematical competences for simulation, analysis, optimisation and verification. You answer complex problems with pronounced methodological competence.

Recommended modules

Technical Scientific Specialisation (TSM):

Fundamental Theoretical Principles (FTP):

Context Modules (CM):

Differentiation to bachelor level

Compared to the graduates of a Bachelor's Degree, an MSE in mechanical engineering enables you not only to develop components, parts and properties of a product or process. Taking into account the design and functional requirements, you create whole products and systems. You are able to carry out complex projects in an industrial and research environment, to apply a broader range of tool sets and to take on leadership roles based on your in-depth analysis and abstraction skills.

Additional information

Information events and application

Information events

Study Application

Registrations for the autumn semester (starting in September) are possible from the beginning of February until the end of April. For the spring semester of the next year (starting in February) from the beginning of August until the end of October.