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Information for companies

"The students are involved in ongoing developments and help to bring a product to market. In this way, they also get to know the company as a future employer. Of course, we look forward to seeing former interns in other positions with us."

Daniel Kirchberger, Human Resources, Baumer Electric AG

Why should you become a partner?

Are you looking for young professionals in engineering careers? Work-study Bachelor’s degree programme offers you the chance to train young professionals according to your requirements and help them develop an affinity for your company. You will benefit from the close dovetailing between theoretical knowledge and prac-tice, which guarantees a multifaceted skills profile for you.

Role allocation

At the ZHAW School of Engineering, students gain the necessary subject and methodological knowledge during their study programme and complete their academic requirements according to the study and examination regulations of the ZHAW.  The company designs the practical vocational portion, ensuring that it relates to the programme content, and it is also responsible for supervising the students during the internship.

How it works

Students sign a four-year training agreement with your company. This is a prerequisite for admission to the ZHAW School of Engineering and defines the type and length of the internship.