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ZAV participates in the EU project AREANA

The ZAV is participating in the EU project AREANA, which will improve the ecosystem of European aeronautics research.

The EU Horizon Europe project entitled ¨Aviation Research Ecosystem Advanced Novel Approach¨ aims to improve the "ecosystem" of European aviation research through three measures: (i) coordination of funding programmes for aviation throughout Europe, (ii) broad marketing of "Aerodays" 2025 in Warsaw and (iii) support for activities of the Alliance for Zero Emission Aviation (AZEA). ZHAW employees are mainly involved in the first measure; they are creating a map of funding programmes in aviation and contributing research ideas from the Aviation Research Center Switzerland (ARCS). The topics of Synthetic Aviation Fuel and the development of a Swiss Single Digital Sky are of particular importance here. In this interesting EU project, we are working together with renowned research institutions such as CIRA, DLR, VZLU, etc.