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Swiss Sustainable Consumer Observatory (SSCO)

Collectively, individual consumer choices made in a wide range of areas, such as food, mobility, or electronic devices, strongly shape a society’s environmental footprint. The SSCO provides insights into behaviors and trends related to sustainable consumptions. At its core it features a large, repeated, cross-sectional survey of Swiss residents in all mayor language regions.

This co-creation Lab is a synthesis activity of the National Research Programme “Sustainable Economy: resource-friendly, future-oriented, innovative” (NRP 73) of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). NRP 73 aims at generating scientific knowledge about a sustainable economy that uses natural resources sparingly, creates welfare and increases the competitiveness of the Swiss economy. NRP 73 takes into account the environment, the economy and society as well as all natural resources and stages of the value chain.

Overview of the SSCO

Research team