Tech4SDG – Guiding Swiss Asset Managers towards High-Impact SMEs
High-impact, social SMEs remain broadly unknown to impact investors and asset managers due to limited information and identification problems. To overcome the asymmetry of information and provide reliable guidance to Swiss asset managers, we aim to create an automated big data platform for the ...
Measuring the Effectiveness of Case Management using Propensity Score Matching
The effectiveness of case management (CM) is estimated using propensity score matching. A core element of the methodology is the elimination of differences in observable characteristics between the comparison groups. In particular, it will be analyzed how the reintegration rate of cases with CM differs from that of ...
Environmental and Social Assessment at Mine Sites using Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics
Strengthening Swiss Financial SMEs through Applicable Reinforcement Learning
Over the last few years, Reinforcement Learning (RL) has gained significant attention as a framework for learning optimal decisions even in complex environments. Moreover, RL is currently considered one of the most promising research areas in machine learning and has already demonstrated immense potential for ...
European Conference Series on Artificial Intelligence in Industry and Finance
Conferences on AI in Industry and Finance: Four thematic blocks: AI in Finance, AI in Industry, Regulatory Technology in Finance, Ethical Questions in AI.Here the practical and theoretical foundations are laid. New research as well as new product ideas are presented; cooperations are started, first talks recorded: ...