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Review of Bachelor and Master English profiles

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In this project, the School of Applied Linguistics is engaged in a review of two English profiles at the bachelor's and master's programme of the Institute of Natural Resource Sciences (IUNR) at the Department of Life Sciences and Facility Management (ZHAW). In this review, the School of Applied Linguistics aims
a) to analyse whether the English profiles within IUNR are achieving its goals in line with the institute’s and ZHAW’s internationalization strategy and suggest areas of strategic development;
b) to identify challenges in the delivery of the current English profiles and suggest pathways for improvement through classroom observation;
c) to identify the potential for further development in the English profiles, taking into consideration the motivation / willingness and ability of lecturers to engage in training;
d) to offer individual feedback to lecturers on their performance within the EMI programme and suggest areas of development;
e) to identify next steps based on feedback reports.