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Steuerungssystem für kontinuierliche Roboter (CASCADE )
Im EU-Projekt CASCADE (Cognitive AutonomouS CAtheter operating in Dynamic Environments) wird ein vereinheitlichtes Steuerungssystem für kontinuierliche Roboter entwickelt, das Operationen in komplexen und verformbaren Umgebungen (insbesondere dem kardiovaskulären System) ermöglichen bzw. vereinfachen soll. Diverse ...
Today, nearly any application depends on distributed and service-based computing of some sort. This is most apparent in the mobile and cloud computing areas but this trend is quickly affecting essentially all areas of computing. Despite this natural and comprehensive demand, most interestingly, there is to date ...
METPEX – MEasurement Tool to determine the quality of Passenger EXperience
EU\'s goal is to develope a transport system which meets the economic, social and environmental requirements of the society. An adequate accessibility and safe mobility should be provided for all European citizens, especially for the ageing populations. In order to do that the future trends and challenges need to ...
Mobile Cloud Network
Mobile and Cloud Computing are the two dominant transformations driving the IT industry in the recent and moreover, upcoming years. Interestingly, both technology domains seem to be a natural match but no technologically firm and sound framework exists. This important and equally comprehensive problem statement is ...
Die mit PRIME-Technologie ausgerüsteten Montagesysteme sollen vor allem eine schnelle Rekonfiguration und Anpassung, proaktive Fehlerbeseitigung und operationale Performanceverbesserung ermöglichen. Damit sollte es möglich sein, den Kosten- und Zeitaufwand für die Auslegung und Wartung von komplexen Montagesystemen ...