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Apéro Digital Event Series

Auf einen Blick

  • Co-Projektleiter/in : Dr. Ricardo Chavarriaga, Dr. Ning Wang
  • Projektvolumen : CHF 85'388
  • Projektstatus : laufend
  • Drittmittelgeber : Öffentliche Hand (ohne Bund) (Kanton Zürich / Digitalisierungsinitiative DIZH / Outreach-Call)
  • Projektpartner : Universität Zürich
  • Kontaktperson : Ricardo Chavarriaga


In the midst of societal digital transformation, post-pandemic economic recovery, and geopolitical tensions around the globe, the need for a carefully curated space for deliberation and networking presents unprecedented urgency. Against this backdrop, we propose the creation of an intellectually stimulating and socially connected space – Ape?ro Digital, an event series that holds promises for generating new ideas and fostering new forms of collaborations across the DIZH community and beyond.  

The initiative is conceived as bi-monthly in-person gatherings in a friendly and inclusive atmosphere that is composed of public talks, peer exchanges, cross-sectoral interactions, and networking over Ape?ro Riche. Each event of the series will be organized around a topic related to digital transformation, human-centered tech research, and value-based innovation, and be catered for a wide scope of audiences with multiple expertise and diverse perspectives.