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Development of "next-generation" antibody drug conjugates for the treatment of lung cancer and multiple myeloma

Auf einen Blick

  • Projektleiter/in : Prof. Dr. Christiane Zaborosch
  • Stellv. Projektleiter/in : Romina Dörig, Ramona Stark
  • Projektteam : Roland Josuran, Angelika Koller, Flavio Mehli
  • Projektstatus : abgeschlossen
  • Drittmittelgeber : Innosuisse


NBE-Therapeutics has developed novel "next-generation" homogeneous antibody drug conjugates (ADC) with proven efficacy in preclinical models of solid tumors, like lung and breast cancer, and hematological tumors, particularly in multiple myeloma. The goal of the project is to generate optimized ADC lead candidates from early candidates which will be guided by a rigorous assessment of the developability profiles of the ADC. It will include the development of advanced analytical assays and will lead to novel and optimized ADC candidates for clinical development.