DGE Poster Prize awarded to ZHAW-led research «Characterisation of Meat Consumption in Switzerland»
Master student Linda Tschanz wins the poster award for her work on the consumption of white and red meat, which have been linked with very different health outcomes, nutritional advantages but also health risks.

In a three-year research collaboration with the University of Zurich (EBPI) and the Berner Fachhochschule, a ZHAW team from the Institute of Food and Beverage Innovation (ILGI) and the Institute of Applied Simulation (IAS) has been analysing the representative data from the National Nutrition Survey menuCH with different aims.
In the last objective of the project, ETH Master student Linda Tschanz investigated meat consumption in Switzerland and its differences across sociodemographic and lifestyle characteristics of the population. Her thesis is the last of a string of Bachelor and Master students who contributed to the project: seven from the ZHAW, one from the Berner Fachhochschule, three from the Department of Health Sciences and Technology at the ETH as well as one Ph.D. student from the University of Zurich.
In Linda Tschanz’s thesis, emphasis was placed on the categories of white and red meat, which have been linked with very different health outcomes, nutritional advantages but also health risks. The study results will be used to improve the nutritional recommendations and strengthen public health measures, intended to steer meat consumption towards healthier amounts and choices.
The study was presented by Ms Tschanz at the 58. Scientific Conference of the German Nutrition Society (DGE) 2021 and was awarded the DGE Poster Prize.
We congratulate Ms Tschanz for this success, and also thank the Bundesamt für Lebensmittelsicherheit und Veterinärwesen (BLV) for their financial support for this project!
⇒ more about the project: What does the Swiss population eat?