Past Events
Tissue Engineering for Drug Development and Substance Testing
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Past events
TEDD Visit Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering D-BSSE

15th November 2024
D-BSSE focusses on the understanding, rational design and programming of complex biological systems from the nanoscale up to whole organisms. As an engineering department of ETH Zurich, D-BSSE advances basic and applied biological sciences with the overall goal of translating its research into biomedical and industrial applications, and promoting the development of new processes and products in the biotech, pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
To maximize the impact of this ambitious endeavour, the department was founded in 2007 in Basel, Europe's life science capital. In collaboration with partners from industry, hospitals and other academic institutions, the Basel location facilitates research applications in the emerging fields of precision medicine and personalized health, molecular systems engineering and data science.
In 2023, D-BSSE moved into a new research and laboratory building on campus Schallematteli in close vicinity to the University of Basel, the University Hospital, and the Children's Hospital Basel.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hierlemann, ETH D-BSSE
Prof. Dr. Petra S. Dittrich, ETH Zurich D-BSSE
Markus Rimann, TEDD
Katarzyna Kopanska, TEDD
ETH Zurich | D-BSSE
Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering
Building BSS | Klingelbergstrasse 48
4056 Basel
TEDD Visit The Wyss Zurich Translational Center (Wyss Zurich)

3rd July 2024
The Wyss Zurich Translational Center (Wyss Zurich) is a unique accelerator, embedded within ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich, that is dedicated to the emerging fields of regenerative medicine, robotics, and medical devices/bionics technologies.
Download program flyer(PDF 2,8 MB)
PRESENTATIONS (Access only for TEDD Partners)
Isabella Martini, Wyss Zurich Translational Center
Clara Cho Hui Ping, Wyss Zurich Translational Center
Markus Rimann, TEDD
Katarzyna Kopanska, TEDD
Wyss Zurich Translational Center
ETH Zurich/University of Zurich
Weinbergstrasse 35, WEH
8092 Zurich
TEDD Visit: UPM Biomedicals and CSEM at Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area

7th May 2024
UPM Biomedicals is the forerunner in producing high quality nanofibrillar cellulose for medical and life science applications. CSEM is an internationally recognized Swiss innovation leader that develops and transfers disruptive technologies with a high societal impact and multiple industry applications. Each site of the Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area is strategically designed to support specific sectors, enabling tailored support, resources, and networking opportunities for startups and established companies.
Download program flyer(PDF 4,4 MB)
Essi Niemi, UPM
Marlies Mürnseer, UPM
Felix Kurth, CSEM
Gilles Weder, CSEM
Christoph Joder, CSEM
Markus Rimann, TEDD
Katarzyna Kopanska, TEDD
Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area AG
Hegenheimermattweg 167A
4123 Allschwil, Switzerland
TEDD Visit: Campus Biotech

23rd November 2023
10:00 – 15:15
The Campus Biotech is composed of world-class research teams working in a collaborative environment including the Wyss Center, UNIGE, EPFL, HEPIA as well as several companies (GliaPharm, Addex). They all shared one overarching vision to be a center of excellence in biotechnology and life sciences research focusing on three domains: Neuroscience & Neurotechnology, Digital Health and Global Health.
Tissue Engineering is one of the crucial tools to work at the forefront of life sciences and the Campus Biotech shares state of the art cell culture equipment to showcase during the lab tours.
Download program flyer(PDF 2,0 MB)
Adrien Roux, HEPIA
Markus Rimann, TEDD
Katarzyna Kopanska, TEDD
Campus Biotech
9 Chemin des Mines
1202 Genève
TEDD Visit: regenHU

24th October 2023
10:00 – 15:15
Welcome to REGENHU, a pioneering leader in the field of bioprinting and high-end 3D printing technologies. Since our inception in 2009, we have consistently pushed the boundaries of innovation to provide cutting-edge solutions for high-precision fluid dispensing and material processing. We are committed to revolutionizing the way industries approach 3D printing. Our journey began with the launch of our first instrument in 2009, and since then, our primary mission has been to develop state-of-the-art technologies that empower our customers to achieve unparalleled results.
What sets us apart is our commitment to customization. Our R-GEN series instruments can be meticulously configured to meet your specific needs in terms of printheads, workzones, options, and consumables. With five fully functional tool slots and an improved workzone coverage, we provide the versatility required to meet even the most demanding requirements. We are driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence, and our commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction remains unwavering.
Join us in the exciting world of high-end 3D printing, where the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.
Download program flyer(PDF 226,7 KB)
Caio Valeriano
Petra Novotna
Mauro Petretta
Markus Rimann
Katarzyna Kopanska
ZI du Vivier 22
1690 Villaz-St-Pierre, Switzerland
TEDD Annual Meeting 2023: Clinical applications of advanced cell culture models

Date: 8.09.2023
During this year’s TEDD Annual Meeting, we will explore the clinical applications of advanced cell culture models and highlight their potential in revolutionizing biomedical research and patient care. We will delve into their use in disease modelling, drug screening, personalized medicine, regenerative medicine, and other emerging areas. By examining the current state of the field and discussing recent advancements, we aim to shed light on the transformative potential of these models in clinical practice and pave the way for future developments in this exciting field.
TEDD Visit: University of Zurich Department of Pathology and Molecular Pathology

Our Clinical Activities
Our main focus is the development of high-fidelity patient-derived ex-vivo cancer models for functional precision oncology. With such an approach, we can complement static features by generating dynamic data that may encompass key vulnerabilities, including those conveyed by altered signalling pathways due to, for example, epigenetic changes not necessarily driven by distinct genomic aberrations.
Our functional precision oncology platforms integrate functional testing with comprehensive genomics, transcriptomics and clinical data in order to find druggable targets, redefine the standard of patient care, and improve patient outcomes.
Our Research Activities
Our research activities encompass medium to high throughput drug screening and CRISPR/Cas9 technologies on ex-vivo patient derived cancer models for the discovery and identification of novel drug targets an drug vulnerabilities in especially rare cancers such as soft tissue sarcomas and cancers that are difficult to treat (e.g. pancreatic cancer). We study the environmental influences on drug responses using different hydrogels. With the establishment of resistant patient-derived ex-vivo cancer cell models, we obtain insight into the mechanism of acquired drug resistance. Together with our collaborators, we further pursue projects using cutting-edge machine learning algorithms to better predict drug responses in patient-derived ex-vivo cancer models.
PROGRAM - See full program(PDF 238,8 KB)
- 10:15 - 10:45 Registration & Coffee
- 10:45 – 11:00 Welcome by Chantal Pauli and Markus Rimann
- 11:00 – 11:15 Talk 1: Functional Precision Oncology – A Clinical Approach
- 11:15 – 11:45 Talk 2: Science Pitches from the Laboratory of Systems Pathology and Functional Tumor Pathology.
- 11:45 – 12:00 Group photo
- 12:00 - 13:15 Lunch
- 13:15 – 14:30 Lab Tour (two-three groups of 10 - 15 minutes)
- 14:30 – 14:45 Closing words, Chantal & Markus
Chantal Pauli, USZ
Markus Rimann, TEDD
Katarzyna Kopanska, TEDD
University of Zurich Department of Pathology and Molecular Pathology
Schmelzbergstrasse 12, 8091 Zürich
Grosser Hörsaal Pathologie Stock D
TEDD University Visit: EPFL AGORA Translational Cancer Research Center

TEDD expands its interest towards translational medicine. Hence, this event presented the AGORA translational research environment and multidisciplinary community that brings together cancer biologists, clinicians, bio-informaticians & bioengineers. Our community could learn how such an integrated & collaborative ecosystem enables the translational development of new therapeutic strategies to support patients.
Quick Facts
Date: 15.11.2022
Location: Agora Pôle De Recherche Sur Le Cancer, Lausanne, Switzerland
Organization: Competence Centre TEDD, Agora Pôle De Recherche Sur Le Cancer
Attendees: 40 participants from academic, SMEs, startups, clinical, international organizations and companies
Sponsors: Zeiss, Readily 3D, Viventis Microscopy
Scientific talks
- Opening by Dr. Markus Rimann (TEDD), Dr. Gaspard Pardon (head of Bioengineering & Organoids platform, EPFL) and Dr. Mara Kornete (building manager, AGORA)
- Concrete examples of applications towards clinical translation
- "Droplet-microfluidics in personalized cancer therapy & immune repertoire screening" by Prof. Christoph Merten (group leader, EPFL)
- "3D autologous tumor microenvironment (TME) for ex-vivo high throughput evaluation of adaptative cellular therapy" by Dr. Denarda Dangaj (group leader, CHUV)
A guided tour of the AGORA building and core facilities
- AGORA building & scientific core facilities
- Bioengineering & Organoids platform and the on-site expertise in advanced 3D cell models, microfluidics, and automation.
Technology Pitches and live Demos by Sponsors
- Live Demo by a sponsor Readily 3D
- Technology talk by Dr. Andrea Boni, co-founder & COO Viventis Microscopy
- Connection with Zeiss representatives in the imaging lab.
Focus on networking time
- Participants had an opportunity for different way of interaction – at the extended lunch break and Apéro, as well as during the lab tour in smaller groups.
We would like to thank all participants, sponsors and hosts. We appreciate this enriching exchange of fresh ideas, valuable inputs and new collaborations!
PRESENTATION SLIDES (access for TEDD Partners)
Biointerfaces International 2022 with TEDD Annual Meeting 2022

Date: 13 - 15.09.2022
This year BIC offered a program with a special focus on microphysiological systems, de novo tissues and organoids.
We hosted more than 200 international participants, speakers from academia and industry, and 22 exhibitors.
The BIC was preceded by the pre-conference seminar (BIS) that was well appreciated by young scientists.
EXHIBITORS PITCHES (access for TEDD Partners)
TEDD Visit to Tecan

Date: 30.06.2022
University visit to Tecan hosted 40 TEDD Partners. Thank you to all participants, speakers and guides for the thoughtful exchange.
Thank you to Tecan for hosting us!
TEDD Visit to ZHAW Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology and TEDD Competence Centre

Date: 19.05.2022
University visit to ZHAW Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology and TEDD Competence Centre hosted 40 TEDD Partners and collaborators in our laboratories. Thank you to all participants, speakers and lab guides for the thoughtful exchange.
Prof Jack Rohrer showed us how they design, develop and validate novel advanced human cell-based assays using iPSCs and primary human cells and how they generate antibodies against complex membrane proteins. Dr Rimann Markus with Lucie Filipová and Silvan Iten from the laboratory of Christian Adlhart showed electrospinning devices in action to produce cell-compatible scaffolds that can be visualised with the scanning electron microscope (SEM). Bianca Fischli and Britta Striegl from Prof Michael Raghunath's lab presented how they develop tissue and cell models close to the natural in vitro environment using macromolecular crowding, histology, CymatiX and Sound Induced Morphogenesis technology (SIM). Dr Epifania Bono from Dr Rimann Markus' lab and Michael Nosswitz from Tecan demonstrated our bioprinters: Incredible+, 3D Discovery by regenHU and the Tecan Fluent liquid handling robot. In addition, they presented the muscle analyser developed at ZHAW in collaboration with CSEM, Novartis and Life Imaging Services GmbH.
We would like to thank all participants and the hosts. We very much appreciate this enriching exchange of fresh ideas, valuable inputs and new collaborations!
TEDD Visit to University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW School of Life Sciences

Date: 23.03.2022
TEDD Competence Centre university visit to FHNW School of Life Sciences drew close to 40 participants from industry and academia. The participants had the opportunity to visit our laboratories on various tours on the topics of automated organoid handling, bioprinting, bioprocess technologies and microphysiological systems in toxicology.
We would like to thank all participants and the hosts. We very much appreciate this enriching exchange of fresh ideas, valuable inputs and new collaborations!
TEDD Annual Meeting 2021 - Cross-industrial applications of organotypic models

During this TEDD Annual Meeting, we showcased microphysiological systems MPS application diversity across different industries. The aim is to foster the development of next-generation microphysiological systems (MPS) based on 3D cell culture, organoid, and organ-on-chip technology. To enable visionary projects and radical innovations, we covered multidisciplinary fields and connect different industry sectors, like pharma, medtech, biotech, cosmetics, diagnostics, fragrances, and food, with each other.
Read all Event Summary
TEDD Annual Meeting 2020 - 10th Anniversary - 10 Years of Innovation in Tissue Engineering

The TEDD Annual Meeting 2020 was dedicated to cutting edge academic and industrial research. We focused on microphysiological systems (MPS) and its application in different fields, including research on the COVID-19 and the development of in vitro disease and infection models. The on-line event not only provided presentations but also allowed participants to network. Each participant had an opportunity to matchmake and request virtual 1-1 meetings. Additionally, we provided the exhibitors with the possibility to present their services and take part in virtual exhibition sessions over the “lunch break”.
Read all Event Summary
Human 3D Tissue Models for Hazard Assesment and Cancer Research

Date: 31.01.2020
Place: Adolphe Merkle Institute, Fribourg, Switzerland
The BioNanomaterials group at AMI is investigating how tissue engineering approaches can be optimized to improve the predictive power of human 3D models. Ongoing research projects will be presented about how to investigate the hazard of aerosolized nanomaterials such as e.g. carbon nanotubes with lung tissue, the interaction of micro- and nanoplastic particles with a novel intestine model, and the effect of diesel exhaust particles on skin properties using a reconstructed epidermal model. Finally, emerging 3D Bioprinting technology for the design of an omental model to study the dynamics of cancer cells will be presented.
Forum Animalfree Research: Animal-free Education

Date: 31.10.2019
Place: Volkhause, Zürich, Switzerland
Thousands of animals continue being used in Switzerland and abroad for educational and training purposes in bioscience and veterinary medicine every year. On its Forum 2019, Animalfree Research would like to raise and discuss the following questions:
Is it necessary to use animals for educational and training purposes? What are the available alternatives? Do alternatives provide the same learning outcomes as animals? What are the barriers to implementing animal-free education?
Read Editorial in "Resultat" by TEDD leader Dr Markus Rimann
TEDD Annual Meeting 2019 - Cell Sources and Stem Cell Generation for Drug Development

Primary and stem cells are becoming important sources for the generation of organotypic tissue models used in many biopharmaceutical applications, regenerative medicine, disease modelling and drug discovery. During TEDD Annual Meeting 2019, we discussed how stem cells have already been used in the drug discovery process and how novel technologies can be applied to attain widespread adoption of stem cell technology by the pharmaceutical and biotech industry. Several companies exhibited during our famously long lunch break at the Greenhouse.
Read all Event Summary
Sino-Swiss Workshop on Tissue Engineering

Date: 23.10.2019
Place: ZHAW, Wädenswil, Switzerland
We invited the researchers from Southeast University (SEU) in China, NIH in USA, Hong Kong and Swiss academics and industrial research groups active in the field of tissue engineering, to build a strategic alliance.
Speakers talked about organs-on-chips, 3D cell culture, stem cells, bioprinting. On the podium, we discussed potential funding sources, programs and collaborations with European and international networks. The goal was to accelerate the translation and validation process of the current tissue engineering technologies. Swissnex and Swiss National Foundation talked about how governmental institution supports China - Switzerland research collaboration. Preceding the meeting, the delegation of scientists visited leading research groups and companies in Switzerland.
TEDD Board Meeting 2019

On the 8th October 2019 TEDD Steering Committee and Advisory Board together with TEDD Core Team gathered to discuss the past year of TEDD activities and to plan future of the network. Check the report on current membership and board status by clicking on the link below.
TEDD Status 2019, ALTEX CAAT Report, CAAT Europe´s Information Day on MPS by Dr Uwe Marx (access only for TEDD members)
TERMIS European Chapter Meeting 2019
Date: 27.-31.05.2019
Place: Rhodes, Greece
The theme of the meeting was ‘Tissue Engineering Therapies: From concept to clinical translation and commercialization’. The meeting is highly important to scientists, clinicians and industries interested in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine therapies that aspire to revolutionize healthcare with their reparative capacity.
The programme of the TERMIS EU 2019 included specific workshops and symposia in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine tools, technologies and discoveries; clinical trials; regulatory approval of new devices; scaling up; commercialisation; career development of young investigators; women leadership and representation; education; and outreach. The Business Plan Competition equipped innovative early career researchers with knowledge and experience to transfer life-changing ideas from bench to clinic and market. The Industry Day and the Clinical Day discussed advances and shortfalls in commercialisation and clinical translation of tissue engineering therapies. The TERMIS Debate was highly educational and entertaining.
TEDD was represented by Dr Kopanska with the exhibition booth. Several other TEDD Partners also presented their services.
At the scientific program talks were held from TEDD/ZHAW by Dr Michael Raghunath, Dr Markus Rimann, Michael Nosswitz and Dr Bruno Filippi.
3D Cell Culture Conference

Date: 20.-21.02.2019
Place: London, UK
Cell Culture in an important tool for research and development within the life science industry. Over the past few years, 3D Cell Culture has gained momentum within the pharmaceutical industry due to the benefits that this model offers over conventional cell culture methods. 3D cell culture enables cells to grow and interact with their surroundings in all three dimensions, better mimicking the in-vivo conditions in which the cells are naturally present. This enhances the ability for scientists to study basic biological mechanisms such as cell number monitoring, cell viability, proliferation and morphology. 3D cell cultures also have greater stability and longer life spans.
Researchers globally are realizing the potential of 3D cell culture for various applications, including testing and discovering new drugs to treat cancer, organ-on-chip models to study the human physiology in an organ specific context, and 3D cell printing to produce organ models. Therefore, this market is likely to grow over the next few years and is in fact projected to reach USD 1.7 Million by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 20.3% between 2017-2022. Growth in this market is also driven by global factors such as a need for alternative methods to animal resting, funding from governments and private entities and technological advancements in the field.
We looked at the latest developments in the 3D Cell Culture field. Networked with industry experts, gained insight into how the pharmaceutical industry is utilizing 3D Cell Culture technologies to enhance research and development, discuss the potential for novel in-vitro cell culture models to replace animal models, and discovered novel 3D cell culture systems, organ-on-chip, 3D imaging of organoids and other technologies in development.
PRESENTATIONS (only for members with password)
TEDD Annual Meeting 2018 - Advanced in vitro models analysis

Date: 18.10.2018
Place: Paris, france
Cosmetic Clusters - the international network, invites you to its annual international rendezvous to boost your collaborations worldwide. It took place during Cosmetic 360, the international trade fair for innovative ideas and solutions in the fragrance and cosmetics industry.
Business cluster? Association of companies? Economic development agency? The companies you support develop innovative solutions that can be used in the fragrance and cosmetics market (in raw materials, formulation, packaging, etc.)?
Dr. Jack Roher represented ZHAW and TEDD and gave a talk in the «Testing and analysis» part about cells testing in cosmetics.
Dechema 3D Cell Culture 2018: How close to in vivo can we get? Get updated about 3D cell cultures as predictive, physiological relevant model systems!

Date: 05.-07.06.2018
Place: Freiburg, Germany
Since our first symposium in 2009, the 3D Cell Culture conference series has developed into a ‘place to be’ for experts active in this field and will highlight successful applications and newest developments.
Success stories of 3D culture applications were presented as well as newest technologies and innovations. Relevant disease models, applications of 3D models in clinic and industry, predictive cell models for compound characterization and enabling technologies were covered.
Several of TEDD Partners presented their research including the TEDD director Michael Raghunath.
TEDD was represented in the exhibition with the lead of Kasia Kopanska, which gave a lot of opportunities to catch up with current partners and collaborators as well as get to know the others. The website of the event is:
Look at the impressions from this event.
Insights into Tecan headquarters and automated tissue culture.

Date: 24.04.2018
Place: Tecan, Männedorf, Switzerland
Tecan is a leading global provider of laboratory instruments and solutions in biopharmaceuticals, forensics and clinical diagnostics. The company specializes in the development, production and distribution of automated workflow solutions for laboratories in the life sciences sector. Its clients include pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, university research departments, forensic and diagnostic laboratories. As an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), Tecan is also a leader in developing and manufacturing OEM instruments and components that are then distributed by partner companies. Founded in Switzerland in 1980, the company has manufacturing, research and development sites in both Europe and North America and maintains a sales and service network in 52 countries. In 2016, Tecan generated sales of CHF 506 million.

Open TEDD Talk: Personal Photometer «Photopette» and «Lab-in-a-Tip» for Rapid On-spot Measurements

Date: 16.04.2018
Place: ZHAW, ICBT, Wädenswil, Switzerland
Personal Photometer «Photopette» and «Lab-in-a-Tip» for Rapid On-spot Measurements
Photometric methods are universally used to measure concentrations of various analytes in liquid samples. Today, photometers are bench-top devices of significant bulk and cost; they require the use of cuvettes have a tedious workflow, need large sample volumes and risk sample contamination. We have developed the Photopette handheld personal photometer systems to revolutionize spectrophotometric analysis in life-sciences, environmental monitoring and point-of-care diagnostics. The Photopette is a handheld device and together with our Lab-in-a-Tip technology enables on the spot measurements of several analytes. The technology is now commercialized by the NUS spin-off company Tip Biosystems Pte Ltd.
Dr. Dieter Trau is an Associate Professor at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS). His main research are are biosensors and bioanalytical methods and devices. Dieter is also a serial-inventor entrepreneur. He started his entrepreneurial activities as a founder of a life-science company in 1995. In 2010 Dieter founded the “AyoxxA Group” in Singapore and Germany, now a 25 million EURO VC funded company. Followed by “Tip Biosystems Pte Ltd” that he founded in 2014 to commercialize a personal hand-held photometer termed “Photopette”. Dieter holds a PhD in Chemistry from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He is the author of >50 international peer-reviewed research papers and inventor of 17 patent families, resulting in ~100 patent applications of which >20 are granted and commercialized by various companies.

TEDD Workshop Materials Meet Life. Visit to Empa, St.Gallen
Date: 30.11.2017
Place: St. Gallen, Switzerland
Empa in St. Gallen is pleased to invite the members and partners of the TEDD Competence Centre to a gripping journey through the world of research and innovation – especially into the world where «Materials Meet Life».
With innovative materials into a healthy future – the goal of Empa’s Research Focus Area “Health and Performance” is to provide innovative and sustainable technologies and products for the textile, biotech and medtech industries at the interface of materials and life sciences.
Protecting people, promoting good health in a sustainable manner, maintaining and improving our quality of life and physical constitution – these are and will remain major challenges, especially in view of our increasing life expectancy. In the Research Focus Area «Health and Performance», we pool our interdisciplinary expertise in the fields of textiles, material science, biology, medtech and nanotechnology. We focus on the development of materials for medical applications in and on the human body, and re-search materials and new systems that protect and support us in our daily lives. Moreover, we examine the interactions of new materials closely and develop new methods to study this in biological systems – in close collaboration with hospitals and industrial partners.
As an information and matchmaking hub, TEDD transfers knowledge and technologies in order to promote the development and application of 3D cell culture. The TEDD community is currently composed of partners from academia, clinical medicine and industry. The industrial partners represent the majority of TEDD partners, and comprise a spectrum from young spin-off company to world player. Thus, TEDD represents the entire value chain of biotech R&D relevant for 3D tissue engineering, be it ultraflat 3D monolayer culture, bioprinted tissue constructs, or organoids.
TEDD Annual Meeting 2017
TEDD Workshop Insights into the cosmetic industry: From cell culture tests to an innovative product. Visit to Mibelle Biochemistry.

Date: 08.06.2017
Place: Buchs, Switzerland
Mibelle Biochemistry is delighted to invite the members and partners of the TEDD Competence Centre to its site in Buchs. The overall program will focus on the innovation and development processes that start with creating new ideas inspired by international trends. To sell cosmetic actives, Mibelle Biochemistry provides biochemical concepts, clinical studies and considerable marketing documentation. Today, a wide range of tests – in vitro and in vivo – for cosmetic claim substantiation are available. We will present them to you and give you an insight into the cosmetic ingredient business.
The TEDD Competence Centre is a collaborative innovation platform, dedicated to 3D cell culture technology and organ-like tissue models for drug development, substance testing, personalized and regenerative medicine. The network pools and transfers knowledge and technologies in order to promote the further development and routine application of 3D cell culture. By combining diverse skills through integrative cooperation among our academic, clinical and industrial partners, TEDD covers the entire development and value chain and forms a powerful and successful network.
Publication - Raghunath M, Rimann M, Kopanska KS, Laternser S, TEDD Annual Meeting with 3D Bioprinting Workshop, Chimia (Aarau). 2018 Feb 1;72(1):76-79. doi: 10.2533/chimia.2018.76.
TEDD & 3R Workshop organized in collaboration with Animalfree Research

Date: 07.04.2017
Place: Wädenswil, Switzerland
Workshop is recognized by the Federation of Swiss Cantonal Veterinary Officers (VSKT) as a half-day day further education for researchers. Certificate(PDF 415,7 KB)
The 3Rs – a Vision and a Challenge.
The recognition of a wide range of animals as sentient beings has placed a moral dilemma squarely in the path of scientific research using them. It has become clear that animal experimentation should be done with greatest care, consideration, and ideally, not at all. This is easier said than done but for reasons of ethics, regulation, reproducibility and costs there are worldwide efforts underway to Refine, Reduce, and to Replace (3R) animal experiments.
One such strategy is to use sophisticated in vitro cell and tissue models using human cells. As good as this might sound, there is still a widespread use of an animal product in cell cultivation, namely fetal calf serum (FCS). For many decades it has become an invaluable and essential admixture to animal and human cell culture media. FCS contains crucial growth factors both known and unknown, that keep cell growing in culture. FCS is a byproduct of the meat and dairy industry all over the world. Its quality and therefore its effects on cell cultures are highly variable and cell type-dependent. Not only has this driven innumerable PhD students into despair, the current reproduction crisis of experimental data might even be based on variable FCS quality. Clearly, as long as fetal calf serum is used in our cell culture facilities, the 3Rs are not fully realized. In addition, the preparation of human cells for cell therapy without animal components is an impending future requirement by regulatory bodies. So why not simply replace serum and continue the good work with a good conscience?
The answer is that it is not that simple at all. Without serum cells do not thrive, so replacement factors must be found that keep the cells going. Again, this is cell type-dependent (there are over 200 different cells in the human body). Each single component of culture medium must be sourced from animal-free origin and this requires a gap-less documentation chain. However, at the end of the day, a fully animal-free culture medium must give the scientist the same potency and cell behavior, and this is currently one of the most important bottlenecks preventing a more widespread use of animal-free culture media.
We dedicate this 3R meeting to highlight these challenges of serum-free cell culture. Representatives from the cell culture industry, and applied scientists will throw light on current issues with both serum and its replacement.
You find the CHIMIA event article here!
Activities on Microphysiological Systems and 3D Tissue Engineering in the Basel Area

Date: 11.11.2016
Place: Basel, Switzerland
The BioEngineering Laboratory (BEL) within the Department of Biosystem Science and Engineering (D-BSSE) host the next TEDD visit to highlight the combined effort of the Basel area in the field of microphysiological systems and 3D tissue engineering by presenting research from FMI, University of Basel, FHNW and D-BSSE.
It is our pleasure to invite you to visit ETH Zürich in Basel for an afternoon of talks to learn about microphysiological system and 3D tissue engineering - related research and innovation. You will also have the chance to visit laboratories of the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering.
- Dr. Kasper Renggli
- Dr. Olivier Frey
- Prof. Andreas Hierlemann
TEDD Annual Meeting 2016
Date: 27.01.2016
ETH Biotechnology Day

Date: 26.05.2016
Place: ETH Hönggerberg, Zürich Switzerland
Visit to ETH-Hönggerberg for an afternoon of lab tours to learn about biotechnology – related research and innovation. We saw laboratories of the Institute for Biomechanics with electrospinning, bioprinting, 3D imaging, mechanical simulation and bone testing. We visited the Innovation & Entrepreneur Lab which is an incubator for ETH Biotech spinoffs. Finally, we saw the Stem Cell Biology and Disease Modeling group and learnt about their organoid research.
Guided Laboratory Visits
(1) Laboratory for Bone Biomechanics, Dr. Marina Rubert, Dr. Jolanda Baumgartner
(2) Laboratory for Orthopadic Technologies, Remo Affentranger
(3) Tissue Mechanobiology Group, Oddny Björgvinsdottir, Dmitriy Alexeev
(4) Cartilage Engineering + Regeneration, Matti Kesti
(5) ETH Innovation and Entrepreneur Lab (Hosted by CellSpring AG), Dr. Christropher Millan
(6) Stem Cell Biology and Disease Modeling, Prof. Gerald Schwank
- Prof. Stephen Ferguson, Dr. Karin Würtz, Laboratory for Orthopaedic Technology
- Prof. Marcy Zenobi-Wong, Cartilage Engineering and Regeneration
- Dr. Marina Rubert, Laboratory for Bone Biomechanics
Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering in Ticino

Date: 10.03.2016
Place: Lugano, Switzerland
In the last decade, the growth of the biotech sector in the Italian-speaking Switzerland has become increasingly important for the economy of the region and for the surrounding scientific environment, soon to be empowered by a new Faculty of Biomedical Sciences at the local Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI). Moreover, Regenerative Medicine research is being carried out at SIRM, a new research facility located in Taverne and shared by different companies and research institutions. In order to discover and have a deeper look on the evolving scientific and industrial framework of Ticino Canton, the next TEDD event will be held in Lugano, hosted by Cardiocentro Ticino and the Swiss Institute for Regenerative Medicine. During the event, speakers from the academic, clinical and industrial sector of the region will present their activities and will discuss the ways in which they can connect and collaborate with other partners. Likewise, participants will have the opportunity to visit SIRM Laboratories, have a direct contact with research groups sharing information about methods and reasearch activities.
This is the first TEDD event organized in region of Ticino. We encourage you take the unique opportunity to meet the most important academic and industrial players of this area.
- Marco Boneff Cardiocentro Ticino
- Antonino Tramonte SIRM
Visit to Roche Diagnostics