Survey about the FM Industry awareness of Building Information Modelling (BIM)
As part of an international cooperation between the Institute of Facility Management, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University and the British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) a Survey was published in August 2017

The work was undertaken by Simon Ashworth as part of an ongoing PhD focused on FM and BIM.
The research considers the level of awareness of BIM and how facilities management professionals see BIM impacting on the FM industry. The work is been done to better inform industry so that specific guidance can be developed to ensure the FM industry is well prepared for engaging with other key stakeholders in BIM projects. The research found that awareness of BIM is growing across the industry, but there are disparities in the level of sophistication, maturity and application of BIM in FM across specific organisations, sectors, industries, and countries.
The growing importance of appropriate standards, professional guidance and academic research to bridge such gaps have never been more important. There is a growing body of international academic literature and industry reports pointing to the importance, and criticality of the involvement and integration of FM in the early design phase.