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Capturing Translation Processes (CTP)

The main focus of this applied linguistics project is the question of what translators really do when they translate and how they do it.

The large-scale longitudinal study, Capturing Translation Processes, is seeking answers to the following questions:

Project details

Capturing Translation Processes, funded by SNF, used a multi-method approach to record translation processes of students, novices and experienced professionals at different points in their careers.

This approach allows us to make comparisons


In order to be able to triangulate data of each process, the following methods are used during the data collection phase:


Research results

Comparisons have been made between translation students at various stages in their training and professional translators; between different language combinations; between translation into the translator’s first or second languages; and between processes at the workplace and in a controlled setting. Some of the main research results are summarized below, while the Capturing Translation Processes Final Report includes further details about the findings.


Principal investigator


Team members

Former team members

Prof. Dr. Alexander Künzli
ehemals: Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen
jetzt: Universität Genf, Fakultät für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen
Professor für Übersetzungswissenschaften
+41 223 79 93 88

Gabriel Zuberbühler
Ehemaliger Doktorand und wissenschaftlicher Assistent