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About us

Our teaching, research, continuing education and business services aim to reflect our knowledge and skills and make them accessible in a way that allows them to be applied in society in a beneficial manner.

Core task and focus areas

The field of applied linguistics identifies, analyses and describes socially relevant problems in which language and communication play a role and offers solutions for them.

At the ILC, we perform this core task. We are aware that language(s) and addressee-oriented communication are key for successful social participation. We want to support people in their professional and personal development by promoting their language and communication skills. This is why we teach and conduct research in the areas of language and society, job-specific communication and linguistic integration.

Our focus areas include the provision of language support in the area of adult education undertaken in a university and professional context, foreign language(s), German as a foreign/second language, intercultural communication and the handling of digital linguistic data.

Institute Management

Executive Management

Extended institute management