REHES III Workshop
The higher education development unit of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences is happy to invite you to the REHES III Workshop on “Higher Education and Science in Transition? Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Results on the Macro, Meso and Micro Level”.
The third REHES workshop will take place in Winterthur on 6 and 7 September 2021 – or online, depending on the pandemic situation. We kindly invite you to submit your contributions as detailed in the Call for Papers(PDF 103,6 KB) Contributions from colleagues from Switzerland and from other countries are welcome!
REHES – Research on Higher Education and Science in Switzerland – is a network of researchers in Switzerland interested in various aspects of higher education and science. Since the first workshop in 2019, the network has grown in size and density and started first steps of institutionalization. For more information, please visit
For any questions, please feel free to contact us at
Monday, September 6, 2021
Christian Wassmer, Carole Probst & Katharina Sommer (ZHAW)
Welcome Speech, Organization Committee
Tatiana Fumasoli (CHES UCL)
Keynote: Challenges to the Leading Role of Higher Education in Contemporary Society
Coffee break
Digitization of Higher Education and Science (Chair: Carole Probst)
Christian Leder & Luca Tratschin (UZH)
Digital Transformation in the Swiss Higher Education and Research System – Preliminary Insights
Barbara Getto (PHZH)
Digitalization Strategies for Higher Education and the Corona Pandemic: A Boost for Digitization or a Return to Presence?
Coffee break
Internationalization of Higher Education and Science (Chair: Michael Ochsner)
Anna Marczuk (University of Konstanz) & Markus Lörz (DZHW)
The Poor get Poorer...? The Impact of the Corona Pandemic on International Students
Carole Probst (ZHAW)
Internationalization in the Early Career of Academics: Insights from a Comparative Analysis
Maria Stergiou (Movetia)
Turning toward Internationalization of Higher Education as a Research Field
From 18.00
Dinner (Ristorante Pasta e piu - Tössfeldstrasse 10; 8406 Winterthur)
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Andreas Gerber-Grote (Dean School of Health Professions and Head of Research & Development)
Welcome Speech ZHAW
Relations with the Environment (Chair: Luca Tratschin)
Michael Ochsner (FORS), Elina Late (University of Tampere), Janne Pölönen (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies), Raf Guns (University of Antwerpen), Jadranka Stojanovski (Croatia), Liutauras Kraniauskas (University of Klaipeda), Mimi Urbanc (University of Ljubljana) & Marlène Iseli (Switzerland)
The Role of Learned Societies in the Dissemination of Research: Switzerland in an International Comparison
Isabel Sörensen, Daniel Vogler, Silke Fürst & Mike S. Schäfer (UZH)
User Engagement with Social Media Posts of Swiss Higher Education Institutions: A Comparative Analysis of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
Coffee break
Research Activities at Higher Education Institutions (Chair: Lukas Baschung)
Sheron Baumann (HSLU)
Research Profiles in Non-Traditional Higher Education: An Exploratory Cluster Analysis of Lecturers in Switzerland
Melanie Elderton (PHLU) & Sheron Baumann (HSLU)
Research Productivity of Lecturers in Non-Traditional Higher Education
Marco Cavallaro (USI)
Participation of Universities of Applied Sciences in EU Research Projects: Influence of the Academic Drift and Subject Specialization on the Integration to the EU Research and Innovation Landscape
Network Assembly REHES
Student Dropout from Higher Education Institutions (Chair: Katharina Sommer)
Anna Marczuk (University of Konstanz)
Is it all about Individual Effort? The Effect of Study Conditions on Students’ Dropout Intentions
15.00 -15.30
Richard Nennstiel & Zoé Brosy (University of Bern)
Lower Student Dropout, Higher Change of Study Subject: Evidence from Swiss Administrative Data, 1975–2018
Coffee break
Profiles of Higher Education Institutions (Chair: Christine Böckelmann)
Christian Leder (UZH)
Cooperative Doctorates: A Pathway to develop Doctoral Education in a Multi-Type System? Problems, Contexts and ongoing Developments in Switzerland.
Katharina Sommer, Carole Probst, Elena Wilhelm & Christian Wassmer (ZHAW)
The Diversity of “Practice Orientation” at Universities of Applied Sciences
Lukas Scherer (OST)
Organizational Maturity of HEI afterwards the Initial Institutional Accreditation in Switzerland
Closing Remarks
Christian Wassmer, Carole Probst & Katharina Sommer (ZHAW)
Closing Remarks, Organization Committee
Scientific committee
Organization committee
Important dates
- April 15, 2021: Extended Deadline for proposal submission
- April 30, 2021: Notification of acceptance or rejection
- May 31, 2021: Publication of the conference program and opening of registration
- July 15, 2021: Closing date for registration
- September 06-07, 2021: Conference in Winterthur
Hotel recommendations
Sorell Hotel Krone
Marktgasse 49
8400 Winterthur
Room incl. breakfast: CHF 165.- to 195.-
Hotel Wartmann
Rudolfstrasse 15
8400 Winterthur
Single room incl. breakfast CHF 129.- to 141.-
Double room incl. breakfast CHF 169.- to 189.-
Guests can register directly by email, phone or on the websites.
In order to receive discounts (see prices above), it is important that guests indicate the ZHAW as the organizer/venue of the conference (online: “ZHAW” as promocode).
Start date: 6 September 2021
End date: 7 September 2021
ZHAW, Campus Stadt-Mitte, Building MG, Room Marthe Gosteli MG O1.143
Katharina-Sulzer-Platz 9
ZHAW Higher Education Development Unit
Getrudstrasse 15