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At the ZHAW, we have proven competencies in all subject and service areas to work towards the future viability of society and the preservation of natural resources. The ZHAW considers it one of its central tasks to communicate the knowledge generated both internally and externally.


The ZHAW sustainable team welcomes suggestions, opportunities for exchange and contact from ZHAW internals and externals - please send an email to or use the contact form.

ZHAW sustainable regularly sends out a newsletter with news and event information on sustainable development at the ZHAW.

Register here


ZHAW sustainable organises various own events on sustainable development and supports events outside the ZHAW as a partner institution.

ZHAW sustainable Lunch

To the calendar of events (in German)


Re:Act Dialog Series

The ZHAW ReAct initiative encourages participation in shaping the future of ZHAW through a series of interactive dialogue workshops. Participants collaborate to develop innovative ideas and solutions for enhancing sustainability at ZHAW. The program includes multiple workshops where attendees can select topics of interest, engage in group discussions, and pitch their ideas. The initiative aims to foster  involvement of university members and beyond in sustainable development.

Sustainable Blog

With its mix of institutional communication and personal contributions, the blog conveys the ZHAW community’s strong commitment to sustainable development. Guest contributions are most welcome.

To the Sustainable Blog



The sustainability strategy is long-term and participatory. To be effective, it relies on the commitment of employees and students at the ZHAW.