News releases
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Highlights from the Datalab Symposium 2024
Artificial Intelligence and Asian Platforms are Changing Online Retail
Carbon-fibre-reinforced concrete panels: Reusable, filigree and flexible
Mobile payment in 1st place for the first time
The ground beneath our feet as the energy storage of the future
ZHAW, UNEP and ETH release their report on the "Digital Public Infrastructure for Environmental Sustainability"
Planetary Health episode 6: Exponential food technology – revolutionising edibles
Grasshoppers, dementia, fake videos and more: ZHAW digital funds 7 new research projects
More flexible planning, less exhaustion
Academia-Industry Training India 2024: Applications now open
Downsizing Remains a Challenge for “Empty Nesters”
ZHAW helps unravel some of the universe’s greatest mysteries with generative AI
ZHAW researchers win Best Paper Award at the Swiss Conference on Data Science SDS 2024
ZHAW digital celebrates its fifth anniversary
"Here, you can research for practice"
First ZHAW Datalab Meetup on the topic of Quantum Machine Learning
ZHAW Datalab is scientific partner of the Swiss Conference on Data Science
Many new ZHAW projects funded by the DIZH
Swissnex network visits the ZHAW
“Nature and the city are intertwined”