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From Energy Efficiency to True Sustainability

Building on energy efficiency the transformation of Swiss SMEs towards greater sustainability

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Swiss energy efficiency programs as well as numerous energy efficiency engineering and consultation companies propose an increase of energy efficiency to companies through measures and pathways that reduce the energy consumption. Such measures include modifying processes, changing products or tuning existing systems and their implementation takes from a few minutes to several years. Obtained savings, which might be in the millions of Swiss francs for large energy intense industries, are often reinvested or redistributed in an uncontrolled way to stakeholders.

The project aims to answer following questions:

  • what if the companies would not only benefit from the energy efficiency programs by reducing their energy consumption, but as well increase sustainable business practices thanks to the achieved savings?
  • What are the possibilities for companies to create resource pots to capitalize on the energy efficiency savings in a sustainable way?
  • Can energy efficiency release capital for sustainable business practices such as circular products, circular business models, and decrease carbon intensity?

This project has the ambition to bridge the gap and offer pragmatic solutions to channel the benefits after an energy consultation to sustainable business practices.