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ADELE+ study 2020 - consumption of media by pre-school children

Is there a relationship between the amount of time spent in front of a screen and the physical and/or mental health of young children? This and other questions relating to the media consumption of pre-school children were investigated as part of the ZHAW ADELE+ study.

The study reveals that, by and large, there is only a weak link between media use and quality of sleep. Lengthy screen time is associated with higher BMI values (overweight) though.

The report was prepared on behalf of the Swiss Health Observatory (Obsan) as part of the National Health Report 2020 entitled “Health in Switzerland – Children, young people and young adults”.


The ADELE study investigates the media use of children aged between four and seven within the context of their families. ADELE is an acronym derived from the terms activités, digitales, education, loisirs and enfants (activities, digital, education, leisure and children). The study provides in-depth insights into the various factors of the family context that influence the media use of children.