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AR Patterns

Event-driven Design Patterns in Creating Augmented Reality Experiences

At a glance

  • Project leader : Benjamin Stern
  • Deputy of project leader : Dr. Philipp Ackermann
  • Project budget : CHF 67'500
  • Project status : ongoing
  • Funding partner : Public sector (excl. federal government) (Kanton Zürich / Digitalisierungsinitiative DIZH)
  • Project partner : Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ZHdK
  • Contact person : Philipp Ackermann


The project will develop a platform that focuses on Augmented Reality (AR) Patterns and aims to improve collaboration between UX designers and software developers. The goal is to create and operate a public catalogue of AR Patterns that covers both technical and UX aspects. The resulting community platform promotes the use of design patterns in AR applications, games and experiences.

Further information