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Innovative business models for integrated real estate services

Feasibility study

Workshop business model development

At a glance

  • Project leader : Prof. Markus Hubbuch
  • Deputy of project leader : Marcel Janser
  • Project team : Mirjam Pfenninger
  • Project budget : CHF 130'000
  • Project status : completed
  • Funding partner : CTI (KTI-Projekt / Projekt Nr. 26256.1 PFES-ES)
  • Contact person : Markus Hubbuch


The feasibility study supported by the CTI (today Innosuisse) is being carried out in intensive cooperation with the three business partners.
For each business partner, the project specifies how sustainable real estate services (e. g. multi-year planning, operational optimization, energy modernization, facility management during planning and construction) and associated business models could be made more profitable and thus more attractive for both customers and suppliers.
Preparatory work by the ZHAW and intensive discussions with its business partners have led to the hypothesis that new business models for integrated real estate services could create an attractive value proposition for customers (assured quality, good value for money, optimised life cycle costs). At the same time, the service providers are expected to increase their sales and profits. Such business models include elements such as clear service descriptions, measurable and result-oriented quality criteria, the coupling of fees and service quality, optimised interfaces and offers from a single source, the use of new possibilities for digitisation, pre-financing of investments and transparency of customer benefits. The first step will be to specify how such elements can be integrated into concrete service offerings. Expenses, risks, customer benefits and the market potential of such new services are examined. This important step is taken by this feasibility study. Innovative service design methods are used.