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FamilyStart beider Basel

At a glance

  • Project leader : Beatrice Friedli, Elisabeth Kurth
  • Project team : Magdalena Brigger, Isabel Fornaro, Nathalie Kaufmann, Susanne Rodmann, Susan Rodriguez, Sabine Ruch, Silvia Zeltner
  • Project status : completed
  • Funding partner : Foundation
  • Project partner : Berner Fachhochschule BFH, Schweizerisches Tropen- und Public Health-Institut, Schweizerischer Hebammenverband SHV
  • Contact person : Beatrice Friedli


Familystart beider Basel - Coordinated Care for Families with Newborns: A Participative Project with Self-employed Midwives


Length of hospital stay after birth is decreasing in Switzerland, especially as DRGs per case financing was introduced in 2012. The outpatient care model was not prepared to fill-in the emerging gap in the postnatal care chain. Follow up care by midwives was not guaranteed and families experienced a lack of coordination by professional caregiver groups.


To develop a coordinated, safe and need-oriented postnatal care model implemented by self-employed midwives.

Projects Activities

In an academic – service partnership a midwife researcher supported a project team of self-employed midwives in developing a new model for coordinated postnatal care.

1st  step: Needs analysis

Expert interviews with postnatal care providers and focus groups with new mothers and fathers to capture their needs. Ethical approval was granted.  

2nd step: Development of a new postnatal care model

Project team developed a vision of an optimal postnatal care model and discussed possible variants in a workshop with local midwives.

3rd step: Implementation of new care model

Network of self-employed midwives offers helpline for new parents and guarantees home visits post discharge.

Innovative contracts between maternity clinics and midwifery-network regulate reimbursement of postnatal services’ coordination.

Interprofessional collaboration with other postnatal care providers is established.


The care model was implemented into practice in November 2012. The first year was evluated.

For current information see:

Further information