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Evaluation automatische Spracherkennung (Schweizerdeutsch) für Menschen mit Schwerhörigkeit

At a glance

  • Project leader : Prof. Dr. Mark Cieliebak
  • Deputy of project leader : Daniel Sebastian Neururer
  • Project budget : CHF 15'000
  • Project status : completed
  • Funding partner : Innosuisse (Innovationsscheck / Projekt Nr. 57776.1 INNO-ICT)
  • Contact person : Mark Cieliebak


Written interpretation is a service provided by Pro Audito for the hard of hearing/hearing impaired in a wide variety of everyday situations. Approximately 100 assignments per month are provided to members, but the interest is much greater. Therefore, we would like to evaluate to what extent automatic speech recognition can complement/expand written interpretation. Swiss German as an everyday language in German-speaking Switzerland is of particular interest. The CAI at ZHAW is working on spoken language recognition and is currently developing a solution for Swiss German. Therefore, we would like to cooperate with the CAI in the context of a preliminary study.