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A national platform of scientific information

The ZHAW University Library is introducing a new library management system as part of the national Swiss Library Service Platform project.

The Go-live project of the SLPS – Swiss Library Service Platform will fundamentally change the services provided by Swiss university libraries at the end of 2020. Many of the current networks will be disbanded. The project, which was launched in 2018 and due to start in 2020, will establish a nationwide, centrally operated library and network system of the latest generation for the 540 participating academic libraries. It will simplify the access to scientific information in Switzerland for all users. Users of the SLSP libraries will benefit from a standardised login, a fundamentally revised search interface of the research systems and centrally provided services such as a courier service. The system will enable users to find print and electronic media or results from the ZHAW digitalcollection in a single search step. Users can order media independently and nationwide thanks to an extended courier service. Further services are to follow after the consolidation of the library platform in the coming years.

ZHAW library as pilot project

The ZHAW University Library is one of nine libraries, referred to in the project as “vanguards libraries”, involved in the development of the new service platform, which started in 2018. During two test migrations in 2019, the library system and the bibliographic data were intensively examined. In addition, the University Library can continuously contribute its expertise at various levels of SLSP AG. The system change will take place at the beginning of December 2020. The Swiss Library Service Platform is a strategic measure of the ZHAW University Library to provide a sustainable learning infrastructure based on state-of-the-art technology.