Pascal Ochsner
Pascal Ochsner
School of Life Sciences and Facility Management
Institute of Natural Resource Sciences
Grüentalstrasse 14
8820 Wädenswil
- AgroPionier: Partizipatives GIS und Farmer Science zur Förderung der Diversifizierung, Innovation und Kooperation in der Landwirtschaft / Team member / Project ongoing
- Massnahmen Vogelschläge Flughafen Zürich ZRH / Project leader / Project ongoing
- Bonitierung der Fischereireviere im Kanton Zürich / Team member / Project ongoing
- Development of the #Bestandsplatine#: A Common Data Environment as Design and Decision Supporting Tool / Deputy project leader / Project completed
- Urbanes Vegetationsmonitoring in der Stadt Wädenswil / Team member / Project completed
- Remote Sensing Metrics for Life Cycle Assessment (RSM4LCA) / Team member / Project completed
- Bikeability in Schweizer Städten und deren Agglomeration unter dem Einfluss der e-Mobilität / Team member / Project completed
- Cultural Mapping 4.0 – Innovative Wege zur Stärkung der kulturellen Identität der Bodenseeregion / Deputy project leader / Project completed
- GeoBIM Campus N IUNR / Project co-leader / Project completed
- Fighting bites with bytes: Promoting public health with crowdsourced tick prevention / Team member / Project completed
- Regionalised Agricultural Life Cycle Assessment / Team member / Project completed
- Zeckenstichmodell 18-20 für / Project leader / Project completed
- histoTools - GIS-Tools für die Erschliessung historischer Kartenwerke / Deputy project leader / Project completed
- Spatio-temporal databases (st-DB) / Team member / Project completed
- CONSUS / Team member / Project completed
- Close-range & low-cost Remote Sensing for the Environmental Sciences / Team member / Project completed
Bernegger, Heinz; Laube, Patrick; Ochsner, Pascal; Meslec, Mihaela; Rahn, Hanno; Junghardt, Johann; Aurich, Isabella; Ashworth, Simon,
Sustain GEOBIM – a new method to simulate sustainable development scenarios for urban areas.
Circular Economy and Sustainability.
1(3), pp. 967-976.
Available from:
Catalano, Chiara; Meslec, Mihaela; Boileau, Jules; Guarino, Riccardo; Aurich, Isabella; Baumann, Nathalie; Chartier, Frédéric; Dalix, Pascale; Deramond, Sophie; Laube, Patrick; Lee, Angela Ka Ki; Ochsner, Pascal; Pasturel, Marine; Soret, Marie; Moulherat, Sylvain,
Smart sustainable cities of the new millennium : towards design for nature.
Circular Economy and Sustainability.
1(3), pp. 1053-1086.
Available from:
Jaisli, Isabel; Laube, Patrick; Trachsel, Sonja; Ochsner, Pascal; Schuhmacher, Sarah,
Suitability evaluation system for the production and sourcing of agricultural commodities.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.
161, pp. 170-184.
Available from:
Rupf, Reto; Wyttenbach, Martin; Köchli, Daniel; Hediger Wille, Martina; Lauber, Salome; Ochsner, Pascal; Graf, Roland Felix,
3(2), pp. 23-32.
Available from:
Bernegger, Heinz J.; Laube, Patrick; Ochsner, Pascal; Meslec, Mihaela; Rahn, Hanno; Junghardt, Johann; Aurich, Isabella; Ashworth, Simon,
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
SBEfin2022 Emerging Concepts for Sustainable Built Environment, online, 23-25 November 2022.
IOP Publishing.
pp. 012052.
Available from:
Babbi, Manuel; Widmer, Stefan; Ochsner, Pascal; Krüsi, Bertil,
Hilfe von oben : Erfassung von Adlerfarnbeständen mit Drohnen.
Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich.
162(3/4), pp. 10-11.
Ochsner, Pascal; Geilhausen, Martin; Laube, Patrick; Döring, Michael; Rupf, Reto,
Innovative Fernerkundungslösungen im Umweltmonitoring.
2015(1), pp. 7.
Available from:
Geilhausen, Martin; Ochsner, Pascal; Rupf, Reto,
Natur, Landschaft inside.
2013(4), pp. 19-23.
Geilhausen, Martin; Laube, Patrick; Ochsner, Pascal; Döring, Michael,
A match made in heaven : a hands-on GIS pipeline unlocks the potential of budget remote sensing.
24th GIS Research UK Annual Conference (GISRUK16), Greenwich, 30 March - 1 April 2016.