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Prof. Dr. Michael Döring

Prof. Dr. Michael Döring

Prof. Dr. Michael Döring

ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management
Institute of Natural Resource Sciences
Grüentalstrasse 14
8820 Wädenswil

+41 (0) 58 934 53 09

Work at ZHAW



  • Ecology of floodplains and streams
  • Structural and functional dynamics of floodplains
  • Restoration and conservation of streams
  • Ecological consequences of hydropower production and flood protection in floodplains
  • Remote sensing and spatial analyses (GIS) of ecosystems
  • Indicator development
  • Organic matter processing


  • River ecology and restoration (6 credits Bachelor level)
  • Remote sensing for ecosystems (3 credits Master level)
  • Remote sensing for field ecology (3 credits). Flathead Lake Biological Station. University of Montana, USA.
  • Certified Advanced Studies (CAS) in River Restoration


  • Lecturer
    Flathead Lake Biological Station of the University of Montana, USA
    07 / 2017 - today
  • Senior lecturer and group leader Ecohydrology
    ZHAW, Switzerland
    07 / 2014 - today
  • Board member
    Swiss Society for Hydrology and Limnology - SSHL
    01 / 2011 - today
  • Guest scientist
    Eawag, Switzerland
    07 / 2014 - 06 / 2019
  • Research scientist
    Department of Aquatic Ecology ECO, EAWAG, Switzerland
    04 / 2009 - 06 / 2014
  • Coordinator
    Work package “Optimal ecological discharge” integrated in the EU InterReg project “AlpWaterScarce”
    04 / 2009 - 10 / 2011
  • Risk Analyst
    Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd, SwissRe, Switzerland
    07 / 2007 - 03 / 2009
  • Postdoc
    Department of Aquatic Ecology ECO, EAWAG, Switzerland
    02 / 2007 - 06 / 2007
  • GIS specialist
    Concepta LLC, Germany
    08 / 2002 - 12 / 2002

Education and Continuing education


  • Dr. sc. ETH / Environmental Sciences
    ETH Zurich/ EAWAG, Switzerland
    01 / 2003 - 02 / 2007
  • Master of Geography / Major: Geoecology, Spatial information analysis (GIS); Minor: Zoology, Botany, Geobotany, Geology
    Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany; EAWAG Switzerland
    10 / 1995 - 08 / 2002

Continuing Education

CAS University didactics
Zurich University of Teacher Education PHZH
10 / 2017


Membership of networks

Social media



Articles in scientific journal, peer-reviewed
Conference contributions, peer-reviewed
Other publications
Oral conference contributions and abstracts

Publications before appointment at the ZHAW

  • ----------------------Peer reviewed-----------------------
  • Doering, M., Uehlinger, U., Tockner, K. (2013): Vertical hydraulic exchange, hyporheic respiration and periphyton biomass in a large floodplain river (Tagliamento River, Italy). Freshwater Science. 32, 12-25.
  • Robinson, C. T.& Doering, M. (2013): Spatial patterns in macroinvertebrate assemblages in surface-flowing waters of a glacially-influenced floodplain. Aquatic Sciences. 75, 373–384.
  • Langhans, S.D., Richard, U., Rueegg, J., Uehlinger U., Doering, M., Edwards, P., Tockner, K. (2013): Environmental heterogeneity affects input, storage, and transformation of coarse particulate organic matter in a floodplain mosaic. Aquatic Sciences. 75, 335–348.
  • Doering, M., Blaurock, M., Robinson, C. T. (2012): Landscape transformation of an Alpine floodplain influenced by humans: Historical analysis of aerial images. Hydrological Processes. 26, 3319-3326
  • Robinson, C. T., Doering, M., Seelen, L. (2011): Importance of protected areas for freshwater biomonitoring - Case studies in Switzerland. Eco.mont. 3, 13-23
  • Doering, M., Uehlinger, U., Ackermann, T., Woodtli, M., Tockner, K. (2011): Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of soil and sediment respiration in a river-floodplain mosaic (Tagliamento, NE Italy). Freshwater Biology. 56, 1297-1311
  • Doering, M., Schläpfer, D., Rotach, A., Uehlinger, U., Tockner, K. (2007): Ecosystem expansion and contraction dynamics along a large alpine alluvial corridor (Tagliamento River, Northeast Italy). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 32, 1693-1704
  • ---------------------- Article, Reports, Book Chapters-----------------------
  • Schleiss, A., Boes, R., Brodersen, J., Doering, M., Franca, M. J., Nadyeina, O., Pfister, M., Robinson,C., Scheidegger, C., Vetsch, D., Weitbrecht,V., Weber, C., Werth, S. (2014): Geschiebe- und Habitatsdynamik – Forschungsprogramm „Wasserbau und Ökologie“. Wasser Energie Luft. Heft 2/2014
  • Scheidegger, C., Weber, C., Schleiss, A., Vetsch, D., Boes, R., Brodersen, J., Doering, M., Franca, M. J., Nadyeina, O., Pfister, M., Robinson, C. T., Weitbrecht, V., Werth, S. (2014): Forschungsprogramm „Wasserbau und Ökologie“: Geschiebe- und Habitatsdynamik. Inside, 14, 20-24.
  • Doering, M., Schweizer, S., Blaurock, M., Oppliger, S., Fuchs, M., Robinson, C. T. (2013): Hydroökology und nachhaltiges Auenmanagement - Die Sandey Aue als Modellökosystem für eine Konzeptstudie. Wasser, Energie, Luft. 105. Jahrgang, Heft 1.
  • Robinson, C. T. & Doering, M.: Künstliche Hochwasser am Spöl - Ein Langzeitprojekt mit vielfältigem Nutzen. In: Atlas des Schweizerischen Nationalparks. In Haller, H. Eisennhut, R. & Haller, R. (Hrsg) (2013): Atlas des Schweizerischen Nationalparks – Die ersten 100 Jahre. Haupt Verlag, Bern, Schweiz.
  • Doering, M. & Robinson, C. T. (2012): Wassermanagement: Schutz und Nutzen verbinden. Eawag News. 72d, 18-21.
  • Robinson, C. T. & Doering, M. (2012): Integrating high flows into adaptive management of water resources. The Waterleader June/2012
  • Doering, M. (2012): Alp Water Scarce – Ein Interreg IVB Alpine Space Programme. ARE Newsletter 18/2012
  • Brenčič, M., Castaings, W.,…, Doering, M. et al. (2012): Work Package 6: Monitoring and Modelling. Final report for Alp Water Scarce
  • Doering, M., Robinson, C. T. et al. (2012): Work Package 7: Optimal ecological discharge. Final report for Alp Water Scarce
  • Zessar, H., Brancelj, A., …, Doering M. et al. (2012): Work Package 8: Early warning system. Final report for Alp Water Scarce
  • Suette, G., Harum, T.,…, Doering, M. et al. (2012): Work Package 5: Water system characterization. Final report for Alp Water Scarce
  • Saulnier, G. M., Hohenwallner, D.,..., Doering, M. et al. (2012): Monitoring and Modeling of Mountain Water Resources – A short guideline based on the results of Alp Water Scarce Report
  • Saulnier, G.M., Castaigns, W.,..., Doering, M. et al. (2012): Climatic scenarios guideline, Alp Water Scarce
  • Saulnier, G. M., Hohenwallner, D.,..., Doering, M. et al. (2012): Water Resources, Management and Water Scarcity in the Alps: Recommendations for Water Resources Managers and Policy-makers
  • Doering, M. & Robinson, C. T. (2010): Optimaler ökologischer Abfluss, strukturelle und funktionelle Auenaspekte. Interner Report Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU)
  • Doering, M. (2010): Landschaftsveränderungen einer Aue durch Wassernutzung. ARE Newsletter 11/2010
  • Doering, M. (2010): Optimaler ökologischer Abfluss im Rahmen des Projektes Alp Water Scarce. ARE Newsletter 8/2010
  • Doering, M. & Robinson C. T. (2009): Nahrungsnetze in Gewässern. Cratschla 2/2009
  • Doering M. & Tockner K. (2008): Morphology and dynamics of riparian zones. In: Mendes, A., Rabaça, J. and Arzipe, D.: Sustainable riparian zones: A management guide.
  • Doering, M. (2007): Environmental heterogeneity and respiration in a dynamic river corridor: Structural properties and functional performance. Dissertation ETHZ Nr. 17046.
  • Doering, M. & Uehlinger, U. (2005): Biofilme im Tagliamento. Eawag News. 60d, 11-13.
  • Doering, M. (2002): Ecological assessment of springs and spring brooks in the Swiss National Park: Combining fieldwork with geodesy (GPS/Tachymetry) and GIS. Diploma thesis Geography. Ruhr Universität Bochum.