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ZHAW digital

We drive the digital transformation

News und Events

ZHAW digital in short

How does digitalization influence humans, higher education and society? Where is artificial intelligence being employed? And do we still need banks in times of bitcoins? ZHAW experts delve into all aspects of digital transformation and embark on innovative research and education projects. ZHAW digital enables everyone at ZHAW to do so and provides encouraging frame conditions.

ZHAW digital in numbers

Funded Projects 76
Funded fellows 36
Total funding volume 550 million francs
Initiative ZHAW digital: planned period 2020 to 2029
Rebecca Brauchli introduces herself and the initiative ZHAW digital.

We are ZHAW digital

Last row from left to right: Verena Klamroth-Marganska, Aleksandra Gnach, Claude Müller Werder, Margarida Alho, Christian Gassner, Sarah Büchel, Rebecca Brauchli, Christoph Heitz

Front row from left to right:  Ricardo Farina Mora, Julian Keuzenkamp, Bettina Sackenreuther, Imke Knafla, Daniel Baumann, Andri Gerber, Annette Kuster-Schmid, Frank Richter

Not in this photo:  Navina Gupta, Josef Hehli, Ricardo Chavarriaga, Martina Spiess