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Dong Yang Meier

Dong Yang Meier

Dong Yang Meier

ZHAW School of Management and Law
Center for Culture & Creativity in International Business (C3IB)
Theaterstrasse 17
8400 Winterthur

+41 (0) 58 934 62 67

Work at ZHAW


Senior Research Associate and Lecturer in International Business/Cross-cultural Management


As a research associate, Dong Yang Meier focuses on the influence of cultural factors on market entry strategies, leadership, organizational behavior, and cultural integration in cross-border collaboration. She has written chapters for textbooks on Human Resource Management and Leadership for Business Administration and published peer-reviewed research articles in leading academic journals. As a lecturer at the ZHAW School of Management and Law, she is actively involved in teaching in regular undergraduate and graduate programs and develops innovative and hybrid teaching methods for flipped classrooms for modules such as Introduction to Business Administration, Intercultural Management, International Business and China Business & Culture. She is also a faculty member and coach for continuing education programs such as the Master of Business Administration (MBA) and the MBA Executive Leadership Module. She has developed and organized study programs for Chinese executives in Switzerland in collaboration with other Swiss institutions and corporations.


Lecturer International Business / Cross-cultural Management / Culture, Leadership and Ethics / BWL Grundlage

Professional development teaching


With more than ten years of professional experience in the Swiss private sector in international business, including China, Southeast Asia, market development and supply chain management, Dong Yang Meier leads the China research and executive education program at Center for Culture and Creativity in International Business (C3IB) at ZHAW SML.
ZHAW, Sika, Sarnafil
08 / 2000 - today

Education and Continuing education


  • Ph.D. Candidate / Economy and Social Sciences
    University of Fribourg
    02 / 2023 - 2024
  • MSc Business Administration / Health Economics & Healthcare Management
    ZHAW School of Managment and Law
    2017 - 2019

Continuing Education

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in University Didactics
ZHAW School of Managment and Law
04 / 2013


Membership of networks



Publication Award 2023 Category Book
ZHAW School of Management and Law
12 / 2023

Social media




Articles in scientific journal, peer-reviewed
Books and monographs, peer-reviewed
Conference contributions, peer-reviewed