Centre for Quality Management and Food Law

Expertise and Activities
Our main areas of focus are food law, food safety and quality management. In the knowledge that excellence can only be achieved through close cooperation between practice and teaching, we provide a bridge between academia and industry.
News and Newsletter
According to our key areas of focus, we publish daily news about food law, food safety and quality management on our German website. Part of the news are published in English. There is also the possibility to subscribe to our free monthly newsletter which consolidates the most important news of the month (archive).
Continuing education / training
Our courses
A comprehensive range of continuing education courses (DE) is available in the field of food law, quality management and food safety.
Introduction to US Food Law

The course provides a general introduction to US food regulation (an overview encompassing legal framework, main legal acts, key authorities, sources of information). General food labelling requirements will also be shortly discussed; then the focus will be on the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and its corresponding rules.
Certificate of Advanced Studies in Food Law

We offer a course 'Certificate of Advanced Studies in Food Law' in collaboration with the Europa Institute at the University of Zurich.
Book Launch

«Global Food Legislation», edited by Evelyn Kirchsteiger-Meier and Tobias Baumgartner, provides a concise overview of the food legislation in various countries. The selection of contributions for this first edition is based on the countries of the G-20 and includes Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, the European Union, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, Switzerland, Turkey and the United States of America.
To enable comparison between each country overview, each chapter is structured in the same way and includes, in particular, information on the legal framework, the competent authorities, explanations of the basic principles of food law, introductions to the main areas of regulation (particularly, labeling and advertising; food hygiene and safety; additives and flavourings; food supplements; genetically modified organisms; import and export regulations), in addition to references to further sources of information on the internet.