Admission to the bachelor's study programme
As the course is multidisciplinary, entrants from many different educational backgrounds may apply to the Bachelor's degree programme.
Prerequisites: individual education
In order to study at the ZHAW, a baccalaureate (Swiss Matura) or equivalent is required: a federal vocational baccalaureate (Berufsmatura), a specialised baccalaureate (Fachmatura), a high school baccalaureate (Matura) or an equivalent qualification.
Before you begin your studies, you need to have gained at least one year of practical experience or to have completed a traineeship in an area of work related to your chosen field of study.
Studying for a Bachelor’s degree with a foreign qualification
If you have gained a foreign qualification either abroad or in Switzerland which allows you access to higher education (e.g. Abitur or International Baccalaureate), please submit the documents requested by the academic office responsible for the degree programme you have chosen so that your qualification can be checked for equivalency. This equivalency recognition process follows the Guidelines on Admission to Bachelor’s Degree Programmes and takes place after your application has been submitted. If you have any further questions, please contact the Academic office.
Entrance examination for foreign students
The head of the programme decides in which subjects you have to take a written examination: German, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology.
A list of references and sample examinations can be obtained from the Berufsmaturitätsschule (BMS) Strickhof in Lindau where the examinations are held. Strickhof also offers preparation courses for these exams.
Bachelor studies Applied Digital Life Sciences

Information link |
Your task |
Appendix to the Academic Regulations | Under point 1, check the requirements relating to previous education. Do you have to sit an examination? |
Information sheet work experience | Do you need work experience for admission? Find out about organisational matters and internship companies in the information sheet. |
Information sheet internship report | Write your internship report according to the sample template. Please upload it in digital form (PDF) to the online application portal by July 21; cost for review CHF 200. |
Information sheet review meeting | Please refer to the information sheet on the review meeting procedure. |
Entrance examination Strickhof | Your foreign entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences was examined by the ZHAW and not recognised? Them you can take an entrance examination at Strickhof. |
Application | You register in the online registration portal. |
Study programme | Is there something else you need to know? Get more information on our German webpage. |
Bachelor studies Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics

Information link |
Your task |
Appendix to the Academic Regulations | Under point 1, check the requirements relating to previous education. Do you have to sit an examination? |
Information sheet on approved apprenticeships | The basic requirements for admission to the Bachelor's degree programmes are possession of a certificate of proficiency in a related occupational field and the vocational baccalaureate certificate. |
Information sheet work experience | Do you need work experience for admission? Find out about organisational matters and internship companies in the information sheet. |
Information sheet internship report | Write your internship report according to the sample template. Please upload it in digital form (PDF) to the online application portal by 30 June; cost for review CHF 200. |
Entrance examination Strickhof | Your foreign entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences was examined by the ZHAW and not recognised? Them you can take an entrance examination at Strickhof. |
Foundation laboratory course | You have a technical education but never worked in a laboratory? We prepare you for the laboratory in three weeks before you start your studies (summer course in August). |
Admission restriction / aptitude test | A limited number of places are available for the degree programme. The aptitude test is waived if fewer people have applied than there are places available. The programme management decides. |
Vaccinations |
You are interested in a profession in the health sector. As a rule, healthcare workers are vaccinated against certain diseases (if they do not already have natural immunity). Certain vaccinations are required for admission to the Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics degree programme. Non-vaccinated students cannot be guaranteed a degree, as the practical institutions only accept students with the recommended vaccinations for the internships. Detailed information on this follows in the course of the registration process. |
Application | You register in the online registration portal. |
Study programme | Is there something else you need to know? Get more information on our German webpage. |
Bachelor's degree programme in Biotechnology

Information link |
Your task |
Appendix to the Academic Regulations | Under point 1, check the requirements relating to previous education. Do you have to sit an examination? |
Information sheet work experience | Do you need work experience for admission? Find out more about organisational matters, internships and the two-month lab internship in the information sheet. |
Lab internship | The word Chemistry doesn't mean anything to you yet? In a two-month internship you will acquire important skills and basic working techniques. The internship will be credited towards your work experience. | | Have you not yet completed an internship? The internship portal Chemistry, Life Sciences & Biotechnology will help you with your search. |
Foundation laboratory course | You have a technical education but never worked in a laboratory? We prepare you for the laboratory in three weeks before you start your studies (summer course in August). |
Entrance examination Strickhof | Your foreign entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences was examined by the ZHAW and not recognised? Them you can take an entrance examination at Strickhof. |
Application | You register in the online registration portal. |
Study programme | Is there something else you need to know? Get more information on our German webpage. |
Bachelor's degree programme in Chemistry

Information link |
Your task |
Appendix to the Academic Regulations | Under point 1, check the requirements relating to previous education. Do you have to sit an examination? |
Information sheet work experience | Do you need work experience for admission? Find out more about organisational matters, internships and the two-month lab internship in the information sheet.. | | Have you not yet completed an internship? The internship portal Chemistry, Life Sciences & Biotechnology will help you with your search. |
Lab internship | The word Chemistry doesn't mean anything to you yet? In a two-month internship you will acquire important skills and basic working techniques. The internship will be credited towards your work experience. |
Entrance examination Strickhof | Your foreign entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences was examined by the ZHAW and not recognised? Them you can take an entrance examination at Strickhof. |
Application | You register in the online registration portal. |
Study programme | Is there something else you need to know? Get more information on our German webpage. |
Bachelor's degree programme in Facility Management

Information link |
Your task |
Appendix to the Academic Regulations | Under point 1, check the requirements relating to previous education. Do you have to sit an examination? |
Information sheet work experience | Do you need work experience for admission? Find out more about organisational matters and the internship report in the information sheet. Write your internship report according to the sample template. Please upload it in digital form (PDF) by 30 June to the Online registration portal; costs for verification CHF 200. |
Application | You register in the online registration portal. |
Study programme | Is there something else you need to know? Get more information on our German webpage. |
Bachelor's degree programme in Food Science

Information link |
Your task |
Appendix to the Academic Regulations | Under point 1, check the requirements relating to previous education. Do you have to sit an examination? |
Information sheet work experience | Do you need work experience for admission? Find out more about organisational matters, internships companies and the two-month lab internship in the information sheet. |
Internship report information sheet | Write your internship report according to the template. Please upload it in digital form (PDF) by 31 May to the Online registration portal; costs for verification CHF 200. |
Internships | Have you not yet completed an internship? In your search, make use of the list of companies that have already offered internships. |
Lab internship | The word Chemistry doesn't mean anything to you yet? In a two-month internship you will acquire important skills and basic working techniques. The internship will be credited towards your work experience. |
Entrance examination Strickhof | Your foreign entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences was examined by the ZHAW and not recognised? Them you can take an entrance examination at Strickhof. |
Application | You register in the online registration portal. |
Study programme | Is there something else you need to know? Get more information on our German webpage. |
Bachelor's degree programme in Natural Resource Sciences

Information link |
Your task |
Appendix to the Study Regulations. | Check in the Appendix to the Study Regulations under point 1 the requirements regarding previous education. Are you admitted without or with an examination? |
Admission Requirements for Environmental Engineering. | Do you want to know if your vocational training directly qualifies you, or if you need work experience in a field related to the study? Refer to here. |
Registration. | You register on the Online Registration Portal. |
Study. | Missing some information? Get more knowledge on this page. |
Ready for the next step?
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