Institutes and Centres
Industry-focused, creative, passionate and reflective; we think beyond institutional boundaries.
ICBT Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology

Our Institute harnesses the productive synergies which arise from the combination of expertise and competencies in the fields of organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, nano and material sciences, engineering, microbiology and cellular biology. Our institute applies this interdisciplinary research approach to socially relevant issues ranging from the development of active pharmaceutical substances to biogas production, with the aim of using biotechnological methods to create or analyse useful substances.
ICLS Institute of Computational Life Sciences

Our institute embraces computational science as an interdisciplinary approach to address complex challenges and develop innovative solutions in key areas of health, society, environment and nutrition.
In our four research centres, we offer application-oriented research, development and services on issues concerning digitalisation and data science in the life sciences. Our overarching goal is to pioneer innovative solutions that push the boundaries of scientific knowledge. The valuable knowledge generated from our projects is directly integrated into our Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes, as well as into continuing education.
IFM Institute of Facility Management

- Co-Directors: Michael Kauer and Prof. Dr. Isabelle Wrase
The IFM is a Swiss centre of excellence for teaching and research in the field of facility management, influencing and shaping both its theory and practice in order to achieve economic progress and generate added value for society. Our various BSc, MSc and MAS courses take a differentiated approach to the operational, tactical and strategic aspects of facility management, and we create new knowledge in the field through top-class interdisciplinary research into complex management issues, with an emphasis on industry relevance. We also make the most of our close links with businesses, public bodies, associations and other universities both inside and outside Switzerland.
ILGI Institute of Food and Beverage Innovation

Our Institute operates under the motto of “Enjoyable, healthy, safe and sustainable food from the field to the consumer”, and our work is characterised by its industry-focused and interdisciplinary approach and our system-focused, technological and analytical competencies. We look at the entire value creation chain via the four dimensions of environment, society, economy and health in order to capture the full complexity of sustainable development in the food sector.
IUNR Institute of Natural Resource Sciences

The research carried out by our Institute centres on the idea of landscape as a resource. Forward-looking urban and countryside development involves weighing up different ecological, social and economic interests, and the breadth of disciplines represented at our Institute allows us to integrate different perspectives and approach the landscape as a system. Product life cycles and closed material cycles are key principles which underlie our research activities and form the basis for solutions to current and socially relevant issues.
ATV Department Transversalis

Knowledge is constantly being generated, refined, confirmed or refuted within and between the various disciplines, and a firm foundation is required to ensure that expertise can be continually updated and revised.
To this end, the Department Transversalis (ATV) runs courses in mathematics, science, technology, (foreign) languages and communication for students of all disciplines.
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LSFM annual report
Facts and figures on the School of Life Sciences and Facility Management.
About us
LSFM annual report
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How to find us - locationmap and getting there.
Facts and figures on the School of Life Sciences and Facility Management.