Research / Services to industry in Quality Management and Food Law
The Centre for Quality Management and Food Law has the know-how necessary to conduct application-oriented research and development projects and provide services to industry. Current partners include industrial, commercial and service organisations. The high number of projects conducted for the private sector testifies to our capabilities.
Forms of cooperation
Student projects
Bachelor or Master students investigate your questions as part of their studies. The practical training and guidance provided by the lecturers of the ZHAW lead to actionable results, for which you pay an administration fee. The following types of student work are possible:
Semester report (5th semester, BSc course)
- Approximately 30 working days
- Time frame: September to December
- You contact us with your requirements by the end of June
Bachelor thesis (6th semester, BSc course)
- Approximately 75 working days
- Time frame: (generally) mid-February to July
- You contact us with your requirements by mid-October
Master thesis (MSc course)
- The starting and completion dates are determined on an individual basis
Research and service projects
We quickly and innovatively help you solve issues and problems arising from your everyday operations. Under certain conditions, the cooperation can be carried out within research projects supported by government research funding (Innosuisse (former KTI), SNF, EU).
The time required and the cost for the project can be discussed with us during a personal, no-obligation consultation. You are provided with a customized quotation based on the preliminary discussion.
In-house coaching
Specific courses covering food safety, food legislation and quality management, which will be tailored to your needs, can be arranged at your own premises.
Have we sparked your interest?
We look forward to your enquiry about student, research or services projects!
Key areas of focus
Our main areas of focus are food law, food safety and quality management. In the knowledge that excellence can only be achieved through close cooperation between practice and teaching, we provide a bridge between academia and industry.
Please see our German page for an overview of projects and publications.
Selected projects

UF Controller: Aquaponic process control system for urban farming