Master's info-event
All Master's degree programmes will be on site at the information event to introduce themselves - the ideal opportunity to take a look, get to know each other, ask questions and exchange ideas without obligation.

Tuesday, 4th March 2025
Our Master's degree programmes are aimed at people who want to deepen their specialist knowledge and acquire additional skills after completing their Bachelor's degree. The Master's programme is therefore the right choice for anyone interested in project management and leadership roles or who wants to keep their academic career open.
We offer five consecutive Master's degree programmes with numerous specialisations, as full-time or part-time courses. Flexible and with room for individual specialisations. For chemists, biotechnologists, data scientists, food enthusiasts, property managers, environmental experts and sustainability specialists, pioneers and doers. For everyone who really wants to make a difference.
Venue: Wädenswil, Campus Reidbach (RA building), Seestrasse 55(PDF 1,7 MB)
5.45 - 6 p.m.: Admission and check-in
6 - approx. 6.10 p.m.: Welcome in the auditorium for all interested parties
From 6.15 p.m.: In-depth information and individual counselling (OpenDoor - you can move freely according to your interests) on the following Master's degree programmes:
- Circular Economy Management
- Life Sciences with specialisation in Applied Computational Life Sciences
- Life Sciences with specialisation in Chemistry for the Life Sciences
- Life Sciences with specialisation in Food and Beverage Innovation
- Life Sciences with specialisation in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
- Preneurship for Regenerative Food Systems
- Real Estate & Facility Management
- Environment and Natural Resources (all specialisations)
Throughout the evening, students will be available in the Studi-Café to answer any questions you may have about everyday study life.
Approx. 7.30 p.m.: End of the event
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