Outgoing students
A stay abroad will give you the possibility to enrich your studies as well as your career and private life with a unique experience!

- You learn about a foreign country, its culture and its people.
- You acquire specific knowledge and improve your language skills.
- You broaden your horizon and practice your skills in independence, flexibility, tolerance and intercultural communication.
The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) provides transparent and accountable recognition for work completed and exams passed abroad.
Exchange options

Usually, ZHAW students complete their stays abroad at one of our European partner universities within the Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP). However, thanks to our bilateral agreements, stays outside of Europe are also possible. As a Free Mover, you can study at even more universities worldwide.
No matter if you would like to spend one or two semesters abroad or write your Bachelor’s/Master’s thesis in a foreign country – almost anything is possible!
Module «Interkulturelle Kompetenz»

This two-semester module is aimed at students who are planning a stay abroad or who want to prepare themselves for their later work in international companies. It consists of e-learning elements and six workshops. Course offerings and content were developed by an interdisciplinary team from the Department of Life Sciences and Facility Management. Depending on the course of study, you will receive 2 ECTS or a course confirmation upon successful completion of the module.
⇒ Further information (in German)
Step 1: Consultation within the degree programmes
Generally, stays abroad are possible from the 3rd semester onward, however, the specific conditions are determined by the individual ZHAW institutes. Please arrange an appointment with the academic specialist in your degree programme for a first consultation in order to find out more about the applicable conditions.
Step 2: Registration Mobility Online (ZHAW LSFM)
After a first consultation, the specialist advisers will directly contact the International Office (IO) in order to inform them about the outgoing students who meet the requirements for a stay abroad. The IO uses a tool called “Mobility Online” to coordinate all student mobilities. You will receive the registration link as well as all relevant information from the responsible coordinator.
Application deadline (ZHAW LSFM)
- Autumn semester: 1st April
- spring semester: 1st September
Step 3: Registration partner university / host institution
After having registered in the ZHAW LSFM’s Mobility Online, the IO will nominate you at your chosen partner university, where you will have to register again separately. More information on this will be shared by the responsible people from the partner university. Please note and adhere to the corresponding registration deadline!
IMPORTANT: Your stay abroad is not definitely confirmed until you are officially accepted by the partner university. The ZHAW LSFM’s confirmation alone is not enough and will not guarantee anything!
Step 4: Before the stay - Insurances - Entry regulations - Accommodation
Please note that you have to prepare/do some important things before your stay:
The ZHAW Insurance and Liability for Outgoing Students fact sheet contains information and recommendations on insurance and liability issues for ZHAW students interested in an exchange semester or internship abroad. All students are responsible for all insurance, including accident, health and liability insurance. The ZHAW declines all liability.
Entry requirements abroad
Please check the FDFA website in good time for information on entry requirements abroad. Visas and other consular services for foreign countries are issued by the representative offices of the country of travel located in Switzerland.
Accommodation in the host country
Information on this will usually be provided by the chosen partner institution/host institution after you have been nominated by the IO. Please inform yourself about the possibilities at an early stage.
Financial support
Switzerland does not have a central grants office and the grants system is generally subject to cantonal jurisdiction. However, swissuniversities coordinates government scholarships of over 30 countries, which are offered to students (and/or researchers) who complete a stay abroad.
Students who study or write their thesis at one of our SEMP partner university are entitled to a SEMP grant, which is processed through our tool Mobility Online.