Life on campus
Studying and living in Wädenswil.
Campus Grüental - Campus Reidbach
The university provides cutting-edge laboratories and technology facilities. This creates a stimulation teaching and learning environment in a magnificent setting.
The university community of Wädenswil has ample facilities and a lively small-town feel. Study at a place idyllically situated on the left bank of the Lake of Zurich.
You’ll enjoy breath-taking views over the lake and the Alps, as well as a friendly atmosphere on a campus with plenty of green space.

Mensa and self-catering
Enjoy the fine fare prepared by Reto Strauss and his team for ZHAW employees, students and visitors. Enjoy meals and snacks, all at student-friendly prices. Microwaves are available for those who prefer to bring their own food.
Of course we provide free WiFi for our guests.
ZHAW LSFM - the study app

The "ZHAW LSFM" app is aimed at students, lecturers, staff and visitors. It answers your questions about studying and the campus in Wädenswil. For example:
- Menu plan: What does the refectory serve?
- Timetable: Where is the next lesson?
- Contacts: How can I reach lecturers or students?
- Orientation: Where is my building?
Culture and art
Organize your free time actively and creatively
As students and employees of the ZHAW in Wädenswil, you benefit from a wide range of recreational opportunities. As a student, you attend most courses free of charge.
The Academic Sports Association Zurich (ASVZ) offers a varied sports program: Volleyball, basketball and badminton training in the three local gyms in Wädenswil or strength and endurance training in the Strength/Cardio Center.
In addition to a wide range of language training, art and culture are not neglected. Sing along in the choir, be creative in the painting course or improvise in the theater group. Technology enthusiasts develop projects with Rasberry Pi and Arduino in the Physical Computing Lab.
Offers: Make the time off from the day creative, active and above all with lots of fun.
Thinking in the Forum
The forum offers the opportunity to look beyond the fence of the specialist field and to think about current issues. Prominent persons from the fields of culture, business, politics and science are invited to attend. The forums are public - all interested parties are invited.
Cultural expedition
A three-day expedition to a foreign city is organised for second-semester students every year. Previous destinations include Munich, Turin, Strasburg and Heidelberg.
Take the plunge into self-employement after your studies! The Wädenswil founder organisation, grow, is located in the immediate vicinity of the ZHAW in Wädenswil. In addition to its infrastructure, grow offers specialist know-how exchange and assistance in the initial phase of a start-up.
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About us
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Wädenswil Sports clubs
Learn more about our organisation and the exciting history of the school.
Online services and information about town administration, leisure and events.
Overview of Sports in the city of Wädenswil.