Field of research Health

Reference projects
Green Hospital

Which processes in a hospital are particularly environmentally relevant and how can their cost-efficiency and environmental compatibility be improved? How can hospitals provide their services at low cost and with little environmental impact?
The LCA research group of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) is analysing hospital processes from an environmental perspective, while the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (IML) is responsible for process optimisation. Together with partner hospitals, tangible improvement measures are being developed and tested. Based on data collected in the project, the Institute for Economic Studies Basel (IWSB) are analysing the efficiency of hospitals from a cost and environmental perspective.
Reports, articles and media contributions
- Spitäler im Umwelt-Benchmarking - IUNR intern 2020
- Gemeinsam auf dem Weg in Richtung Grünes Spital
- Alle Spitäler können ihre Betriebsabläufe hinsichtlich Nachhaltigkeit optimierten - Podcast Sustainable Economy
- Policy Brief: The Sustainable Hospital Revolution: Approaches to reduce the environmental impact
- Keller, R. L. & Roth, F (2021). Auf dem Weg zu mehr Umwelteffizienz. Competence H+ Hospital Forum (10/2021)
- Keller, R. L., Muir, K., Roth, F., Jattke, M., & Stucki, M. (2021). From Bandages to Buildings: Identifying the Environmental Hotspots of Hospitals. Journal of Cleaner Production
- Bradford, S., Keller, R., Stucki, M. (2022). Betriebsökobilanz des Pflegezentrums Käferberg
- Keller et al. (2023). Measures for an environmentally friendly and efficient hospital. best practices (DE).