Swiss Olive Oil Panel (SOP)
In Switzerland, a unique group of evaluators for assessing olive oil, consisting of more than 30 trained and experienced evaluators.
The Swiss Olive Oil Panel (SOP) consists of more than 30 trained and experienced evaluators. It is organized, trained, and monitored by the Food Sensory Research Group of the ZHAW. The panel within the testing facility STS 0240 is accredited according to ISO 17025 for the assessment of olive oil.
Training / Monitoring

The Swiss Olive Oil Panel (SOP) is a trained expert panel. Evaluators undergo product-specific basic training and are regularly trained according to the guidelines of the International Olive Council (IOC) and the EU as part of a monitoring program.
Infrastructure / Sensory Laboratory
The evaluations of the SOP are conducted in the sensory laboratory of the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Wädenswil. In addition to suitable preparation and storage areas, thirteen separate testing booths form the core of our sensory laboratory, equipped with Laptops and the sensory software "Fizz" for electronic recording of test results. The climate in the sensory laboratory (temperature and humidity) is constantly monitored, and the booths can be immersed in red light for the conduct of sensory tests as needed.
Panel Journeys

The evaluators of the SOP regularly enhance their expertise through trips to olive oil-producing countries. The contact and exchange, or the joint training with foreign panels, as well as visits to olive oil farmers and producers, are an essential part of the continuous development and broad support of the olive oil "know-how" of our panel. This is also a further demonstration of the competence of the Swiss Olive Oil Panel of the ZHAW!