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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

Smart Materials

We create nano-structured and functional materials with specific properties which are applied in various life sciences fields, such as filtration and tissue cultures. The Institute benefits from a Metrohm Foundation endowed professorship that facilitates in-depth, competence-building research in the field of new materials and functional surfaces, independently of time-limited projects.


Section of Functional Materials and Nanotechnology

The focus of the section of Functional Materials and Nanotechnology is the modification and analysis of surfaces and the development of applications in the following areas of chemistry and biology

Read more about the section of Functional Materials and Nanotechnology

Section of Polymer Chemistry

The Section of Polymer Chemistry focuses on the synthesis, functionalization, and characterization of nanostructured polymeric materials.

Read more about the section of Polymer Chemistry

Section of Basics Chemistry

Please visit our german website to get more information about the section of Basics Chemistry.

Read more about the section of Basics Chemistry


Metrohm Foundation endowed professorship

The Metrohm Foundation endowed professorship focuses on the synthesis of stationary phases for chromatography, and surface functionalisation and characterisation. We are further interested in applying the techniques that we are familiar with in other areas; for example hydrophilisation, biocompatibilisation and introduction of charges onto membranes and medical devices.

Read more about the Metrohm Foundation endowed professorship