Institute of Natural Resource Sciences
At the interface of society, environment and technology
The Institute of Natural Resource Sciences (IUNR) is committed to the sustainable use of natural resources. Our range of programmes includes a Bachelor's degree in Natural Resource Sciences and a Master's degree in Environmental and Natural Resources.
- In the practice-oriented BSc in Natural Resource Sciences, you acquire the networked knowledge necessary to tackle demanding tasks in areas where ecological, economic and social demands intersect.
- The MSc in Environment and Natural Resources will make you an environment and sustainability expert. And it will enable you to use the skills you have acquired during your studies to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.
We also offer a diverse range of training programmes and conduct applied research and development. As pioneers in the development of sustainable solutions, we take an interdisciplinary and science-based approach to the examination of current, socially relevant issues. Our focus is on the interfaces between society, the environment and technology.

"Forward-looking urban and countryside development involves weighing up different ecological, social and economic interests."
Prof. Dr. Rolf Krebs, Institute directorAbout us I IUNR Sustainability report (in German only)
Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Natural Resource Sciences

The degree programme combines natural science subjects with engineering, social science and economics disciplines and allows you to choose between five specialisations. With the Bachelor in Environmental Engineering you will acquire the skills to face the challenges in the field of tension between social, ecological and economic demands.
Detailed informationen about the Bachelor Natural Resource Scienes
Master of Science (MSc) in Environment and Natural Resources

The consecutive Master's programme in Environment and Natural Resources combines competences from the natural and social sciences as well as technology. In this way, the degree programme provides the inter- and transdisciplinary skills to contribute with ideas, strategies and methods so that the transformation towards a sustainable society succeeds.
Detailed informationen about the Master in Environment and Natural Resources
Continuing education

The Institute offers a wide range of certificate courses and continuing education courses (CAS and MAS), training courses, continuing education courses as well as specialist conferences.
- Continuing education in environment and natural resources
- Newsletter continuing education in environment and natural resources
- Conferences at the school of Life Sciences and Facility Management
Research and services
The IUNR conducts research in six Research Units, Organic Agriculture, Geoecology, Sustainability Transformation and Food Systems, Ecotechnologies and Energysystems, Tourism and Sustainable Development and Urbane Ecosystems, which are comprised of a total of 22 research groups. The focus of our research is the development of sustainable solutions at the interfaces between society, environment and technology. In collaboration with our partners from private and public companies, we work on applied research and development projects and also offer various services. This active participation in national and European research programmes creates synergies between the various parties involved.
Organic Agriculture

The research area Organic Agriculture includes the research groups:
- Soil ecology
- Horticulture
- Phytomedicine (in German only)
- Regenerative Agricultural Systems (in German only)
- Environmental Genomica and Systems Biology
Sustainability Transformation and Food Systems

The research area Sustainability Transformation and Food Systems includes the research groups:
- Agricultural and Resource Economics
- Geography of Food
- Sustainability Communication and Environmental Education (in German only)
Ecotechnologies and Energy Systems

The research area Ecotechnologies and Energy Systems includes the research groups:
- Aquaculture Systems
- Renewable Energy (in German only)
- Life Cycle Assessment
- Ecotechnology
Tourism and Sustainable Development

The research area of Tourism and Sustainable Development is stationed in Wergenstein as a ZHAW branch:
Urban Ecology

The research area Urban Ecosystems includes the research groups:
- Green Space Development (in German only)
- Green Care (in German only)
- Planting design (in German only)
- Urban Ecology