Research & development
We see ourselves as intermediaries between university-level basic research and its practicable application in the world of work and society as a whole.

Research & Development
In the four research units, Bioinformatics, Cognitive Computing; Computational Health, Digital Labs and Production, we offer application-oriented research, development and services on issues concerning digitalisation and data science in the life sciences. The aim of our research and development activities is to develop innovative solutions in the field of data science and computation for the life sciences.
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TRANSFER newsletter
The latest developments, research results and service projects from the fields of life sciences and facility management.
Research in the LSFM
On the pulse of society and at the cutting edge of science.
TRANSFER newsletter
Research Blog
Research in the LSFM
The latest developments, research results and service projects from the fields of life sciences and facility management.
The ZHAW Blog for research and development.
On the pulse of society and at the cutting edge of science.