Reference projects of the Agricultural and Resource Economics Research Group
LAMASUS – Land use and Management modelling for Sustainable governance

LAMASUS analyses how the European land use sector can archive climate neutrality by 2035 as stated by the European Green Deal. To this end, the project develops an integrated modelling toolbox for the development, assessment, and monitoring of land-related policies across multiple layers of spatial scales.
Projekt partners: IIASA, EUROCARE GmbH, Stichting Wageningen Research, INRAE, Ruralis, Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Universität für Bodenkultur Wien), PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, VU Amsterdam, University of Valencia, University of Warsaw, ARTTIC Innovation GmbH, Joint Research Centre, University of Paris-Saclay, WIFO
Further information: Project website
ERA-FDC KUR: Exploring Agriculture’s Potential for Food Production, Rural Development, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: a Case study for Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Russia

In this multidisciplinary research project, we examine Russia´s agriculture potential to meet triple challenge: increase food production, foster rural development, and mitigate and adapt to climate change. The regional focus has now been expanded to Kazakhstan and Ukraine.
Projekt partners: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leibniz-Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Transformationsökonomien, KU Leuven / Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Further information: Project website
ValPar.CH – Values of the ecological infrastructure in Swiss parks

Commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), the interdisciplinary research team of the ValPar.CH project analyzes social, economic, and environmental values of the ecological infrastructure in Swiss parks of national importance, assesses its potential development pathways and examines which instruments are necessary to ensure its sustainable use.
Projektpartner: Universität Zürich / Geografisches Institut, Université de Lausanne / Institut de géographie et durabilité, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich ETH / Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung, Université de Genève / Institut des sciences de l´environnement
Further information: Project website
Market power in Swiss food value chains

Food and beverages are significantly more expensive in Switzerland than in the surrounding countries. This causes many Swiss to make some of their food purchases abroad. In light of this situation, agricultural policy also raises the question of whether the price competitiveness of Swiss agricultural markets can be improved. This question is addressed in a joint study by the ZHAW and BAK Economics on the intensity of competition on the Swiss domestic market.
Project partner: BAK Economics AG
Further information: Project website