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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

Videos and other media of the EGSB Group

ToViPoRe - A research project about the Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus ("Jordanvirus")
YouTube Video: Dr. Joël F. Pothier talks about the research project "ChitinOMix" and his motivation for being part of the EGSB research group
YouTube Video: Graduate in MSc Life Sciences, Applied Computational Life Sciences | ZHAW in Waedenswil
Fighting bites with bytes (preview)
YouTube Video: Fighting bites with bytes – Crowdsourced tick prevention
Synergy and health (preview)
YouTube video: Synergy and Health – Looking for new Antibiotics
Master Applied and Computational Life Sciences (preview)
YouTube video: Master of Science – Applied Computational Life Sciences
YouTube video: EuroXanth Publications and Wiki project 2020