Research interests
Agricultural and Resource Economics Research Group
Economics of Climate Change and Risk Management

Due to agriculture’s direct link to weather, it is one of the sectors that will be most strongly affected by climate change. In our research, we assess the impact of climate change on agriculture productivity and examine options for effective adaptation of farming to changing climate. We are also evaluating measures aimed at mitigating climate change in agriculture, in particular through sustainable management of agricultural land. In addition, we examine options for coping with risk of extreme weather events such as index-based insurance.
Economic valuation of ecosystem services

This research of the group is aimed at developing and applying techniques to valuate a range of ecosystem services of relevance for climate regulation, water and air quality as well as for human health and wellbeing. Our goal is also design conservation policy instruments and programs´ considering both economic incentives and other behavioral aspects of decision making. Based on this research, we identify and evaluate measures needed to address societal demands and to link demand and supply sides of ecosystem services.
Productivity and sustainability in the agri-food industry

An increasing global population, scarcity of natural resources, and environmental and climatic constraints challenge agricultural sector. Substantial productivity improvements are required if more food and fiber is to be produced with fewer resources. In this research area, we measure productivity growth in agriculture and the food industry and explain its sources and determinants.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Raushan Bokusheva
Innovation and behavioral aspects of decision-making

Transformative changes are required to safeguard planets´ natural resources and global and local food security. In this research area, we examine innovative policies, governance models, market organization forms and technologies aimed at improving long-term productivity of food production and sustainability of natural resource use as well as acceptance and adoption of these innovations by concerned actors. We are also studying resource governance innovations required to strengthen social cohesion and justice, settle conflicts and facilitate sustainable use of natural resources, in particular in the regions with high resource scarcity.