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Initiative for Large-Scale Development & Testing of Autonomous Systems launched in the Canton of Zurich

ZHAW, UZH and ZHdK developed a concept for the safe development and testing of drones and robots together with renowned partners.

The kick-off event organised by the Department of Economic Affairs of the Canton of Zurich last autumn on the topic of autonomous systems in the Zurich Innovation Park lived up to its name: many ideas were pursued after the event and the first results are already visible today. Probably the most concrete result is the successful submission of the project called LINA (A Shared Large-scale Infrastructure for the Development and Safe Testing of Autonomous Systems) unto the structure call of the innovation programme of the Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions (DIZH).

LINA is a comprehensive proposal for the establishment of a test infrastructure for autonomous systems in the Canton of Zurich. The idea to create such a proposal was initiated by the CAI. The elaboration took place in an intensive collaboration between the University of Zurich, the Zurich University of the Arts and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences under the leadership of Michael Guillaume and Peter Lenhart from the ZHAW Centre for Aviation. A total of 21 Letters-of-Intent and 17 Letters-of-Support by renowned companies and organisations from industry, research and administration testify to the usefulness and importance of this proposal.

A decision regarding the launch of LINA is expected in May.